last minute

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Wassup fuckers. It's been 1 month and a few days and oh my good gracious lord we hit 10.5K!!!

Qotd: do you have any siblings?

Btw lowercase intended.

"hey, not today....sorry pipes, im just not feeling up to it....maybe next week?... yes of course... okay.... bye.... love you too." annabeth spoke into the phone. truth was, she wasn't going to be up to it next week, or the week after that, or after that.

you may be wonder what it is? It is a dance class that annabeth practically begged piper to go to. but ever since her and percy... well... split. she hadn't been up to really anything.

she hadn't told anyone, and as far as she knew, neither had percy. it was mutual, but not really. he had a quest in idaho and he wouldn't let her tag alone because it was "too dangerous", how rich? she helped him fight off titans, giants, monsters, gods, yet he had the audacity to think two drakons were "too dangerous".

at first she was sad, awfully sad, her eyes burned with tears. they were so red, she often got confused for doing drugs.

but then, she got over being sad, and she was mad, full on complete rage. she worked out six times a week pounding against the punching bags until her fists turned bloody, then she'd kick it until her ankles bruised.

percy called her everyday, she never answered... well... she did once, but after that, she vowed to never do it again.

(bold is percy, italic is annabae)

Heyyyy annnyyy

Percy, are you drunk?

Pshhhh nahhh I'm fineee perfectly fine. Like you, ya know, now that I looke baaack on it allll I see how fucking stupid I wasss

Yeah you were.

Wanna get back togetherrr?

no, that's how she wished it went, but not how it actually did. in reality, it went like this:



So, how are you?

Quit your bullshit, you know how i am. I'm awful, i don't think you realize what you did, and this may be acting dramatic but I think you know deep down that what you did was a mistake. one of the biggest in your life, because going along with it and not fighting for our relationship was one of mine. I don't know what your reasoning was, because we both know damn well it wasn't because it was "too dangerous", but as of right now I don't care.

... I get it. and it was one of the biggest mistakes, but later you'll understand why I did it.

bullshit. (Nancy wheeler who?)

•call ended•

Then she hung up on him, it was awful of her to release all her anger on him like that but he was the cause of it and-

her thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.

"open up, it's your best friend." piper screams on the other side.

annabeth stands up slowly, thinking about and reliving the phone call had brought up memories she would have rather left forgotten, because they were the type of memories that brought tears and the ones that left her eyes red and puffy.

she opened the door, and there piper stood, in all her ultimate beauty compared to annabeths dark grey sweatpants, oversized sweat shirt, and high very messy bun. while pipers hair was up in a high ponytail, with a black crop top and Nike dry fit tights. "oh gods what happened to you?"

"um nothing, what's up."

"well you seemed down when i called earlier so i brought movies and food to cheer you up."

"wow it's true, all a girl needs to get over a breakup is her best friend."


she explained everything to piper in explicit detail, by the time she finished talking piper was red in the face with anger."can I come inside by the way?"

"oh yeah sorry." annabeth says moving out of the way to let piper in.

"ok well you need this." she dumbs out her purse on annabeths table, food and movies spill out, she picks up a random one and places it in the DVD player. "it's your favorite."

all in all, if piper hadn't shown up, the day would've consisted of crying and not eating, but she did come and everything was better.

Percabeth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now