Chapter 4

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     "Your lunch is ready, Masoud." Yusrah said as she entered their bedroom. He ignored her, typing swiftly on his cellphone.



     "What is it Yusrah?" he snapped.

     She coiled back and replied quietly. "Your lunch is ready."

     "I don't want you cooking for me. If I'm hungry, I'll eat out." he replied.

     "I'm your wife Masoud." she said softly.

     "I told you we can never really be husband and wife." Masoud replied, shaking his head.

     "It's not like you have a choice. I could've been in the university but no! I'm stuck in this hell of a marriage with you. What is your problem Masoud? Can't you just accept things as they are? I'm your wife as much as I hate to admit it but you don't see me giving you attitude Masoud. What's wrong with you?" Yusrah yelled, anger getting the best of her.

     Masoud squinted his eyes at her. Slowly, like a predator set to pounce on it's prey, he walked to where she stood and grabbed her arm.

     "Did you just raise your voice at me?" he asked in a dangerously low tone.

     Yusrah ignored him and glared right at him without flinching.

      "Did you just raise your voice at me?" he shouted, his grip on her arm tightening.

     "Let go Masoud, you're hurting me." she winced.

     He tightened his grip and pushed her roughly against the bed. She landed with a loud thud, hitting her left check on the wood.

     "Ouch!" she winced, rubbing where she was hurt.

     "Don't you dare raise your voice at me ever again, understood?" he yelled, walking towards her again.

     With tears in her eyes, Yusrah nodded. Masoud sent one last glare towards her before storming out of the room and into the gym where he let out his anger by boxing.

      Yusrah stayed curled up on the floor where she sobbed quietly. After about an hour, she got up and walked into the bathroom to clean the bruise on her cheek. It was a light red that would get swollen if she didn't take care of it so she went into the kitchen to get an ice pack. She winced each time the ice came in contact with her skin.

     Phone rings.

     "Hello Zarah?" Yusrah answered.

     "Hey girl. How've you been? Heard you got married. How's married life treating you? I hope everything's fine."

     'No Zarah. Everything's not fine. I'm being emotionally and physically abused by my husband.'
Yusrah mentally replied.

     "Everything's fine Zarah. How are you?"

     "I'm good. I'm in Abuja and I'll be here for two weeks so I decided to let you know. Can we hang out this evening?"

     "I don't think so, my husband may not permit." Yusrah replied.

     "Oh please! Give him the phone."

     Yusrah scoffed mentally. She'd rather not see her friend. Masoud was unpredictable and she wasn't ready to receive any more pain.

     "Who's it?" Masoud asked, walking into the kitchen.

     "Ah ha!" Zarah beamed.

     "My friend." Yusrah replied to Masoud.

     "Let me have the phone." he said.

     Yusrah handed it to him and he spoke to Zarah.

     "Sure, you can hang out with her. You don't need my permission, she's your friend after all."

     Yusrah said her byes and hung up.

     "Can I really go out?"

     "You weren't deaf, were you?" he crossed his arms over his chest.

     "I wasn't. Thank you." she whispered.

     "If you like, go ahead and tell her how you got that bruise." he said, nodding towards her cheek.

      Reflexively, her fingers reached out to touch it and she winced. "I won't." she shook her head.

     "No matter what, I don't think I'll ever let anyone know what my married life is like. It's between us so I don't see any reason why it should leave the walls of this house. I just beg you for one thing. You can yell at me, insult me, but please Masoud, never hit me again." she turned around to leave but he stopped her.

     "Sorry about that." and he walked away.

     Yusrah sighed and walked up the stairs behind him. She washed her face and applied concealer and a foundation before using her powder. When she was done, there was no sign of a bruise.

     "Can I borrow your car?" she asked.

     "No, I'll drop you off." he replied.

     She didn't understand why he offered to drop her but she nodded anyway. Soon after, they were at Transcorp Hilton where Zarah was lodged.

     "Thank you." Yusrah said as she saw Zarah approaching the car. She got down and gave Zarah a hug.

     "Good day, husband." Zarah chuckled.

"Really?" Masoud cocked a brow, chuckling at her.

     "Yes, really." Zarah nodded.

     Yusrah stared at her husband. How did he go from a hundred to zero in no time? She cleared her throat and gestured at Masoud, then Zarah.

     "Well Zarah this is my husband, Masoud. And Masoud this is my friend, Zarah."

     "Nice to finally meet you Zarah. I've heard a lot about you." he said, taking her hand in his.

     "Nice to meet you too."she grinned and released his hand.

     "I'll leave you girls to whatever mischief you're up to." he joked and Zarah laughed but Yusrah stood there just watching him.

     Who knew Masoud Abdullah would be this free with someone?

     "Thanks for letting her come." Zarah thanked him.

     "It's all good." he replied.

     They turned to go inside when Masoud stopped Yusrah. "Really Yusrah? You're going to leave me without a kiss? Or at least a hug?" he pouted, feigning hurt.

     "I uh- yes. I mean no." Yusrah stuttered and walked awkwardly towards him.

     "Bye." She hugged him. He surprised her by kissing her cheek and she blushed before whispering in his ear.

     "Careful not to clean my concealer."

     He chuckled and pulled away from her. Zarah smiled at the scened before her. They really looked beautiful together, she thought.

     "Sure, pick you up later."

     He entered his car and zoomed off while Zarah gushed about how cute they were together. If only she truly knew what Yusrah was going through, she'd be sad for her.

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