✔Chapter Twenty : The Secrets Hidden in the Diaries-II

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After that, there was nothing written for a number of pages, but then came a page where there were writings of that same kid's handwriting.

28th August 1992,
So my parents are dead. I live with Chachu and Chachi now. You know Chachu is so bad. I hate him. He forced me to call him Dad and Chachi Mom. I don't know what problem he has if I don't call him Dad. Yesterday he said me to not to talk to anyone other than him, Chachi and my friends. Yesterday I was standing outside school as Chachi was late to pick me up from school and I was talking to a man who asked my name. I told him and then he was telling me to go with him because he knew where my Chachu was and when I didn't agree, he held my hand tightly and was forcing me to go with him but just then, Chachi arrived with my friend's mother and the man ran away. And in the evening, Chachi told everything to Chachu and he scolded me. I hate him. He is so bad. He doesn't even let me keep Mumma and Papa's photograph. I hate him soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

29th December, 1992
I am so happy. It was Christmas and I loved it. Mom and Dad gave me so many things. I mean Chachu and Chachi. Chachu doesn't allow me to call them Chachu and Chachi right. I got a bicycle, a pokemon stickerbook, two video games, a TV, a new laptop and yes a dog a real dog. It has got long, golden coloured shiny hair. I love it and I have named it Geronimo.

16th April, 1993
I am really sad. Dad is sending me to boarding school. But why? I am a good boy. I always listen to what he says. Only bad boys go to boarding school right? I don't want to go there. I have my friends here. I will miss my friends. I have heard that the people in boarding schools are very bad. There are demons in the boarding schools who eat children. I don't want to go there.


Diary ends.

Aisha's POV :-

God! I never knew that his parents were killed infront of his eyes. He had to see it in such a young age!

I finished reading the first diary and at the very same time, the flight landed. After the flight landed, I straight away went to the hospital where Guru was.

I asked the receptionist for Guru's whereabouts.

"Excuseme! Mr.Gaurav Karshyav."

"Yes. Ma'am! Operation is goin on. Operation Theatre no.3. Third floor, in the left wing." Said the reseptionist.

"Thank you." I said as I ran to the elevator.

I got up to the place outside the operation theatre and saw Jia along with Guru's Mom and Dad. ...Uh... I mean Chacha and Chachi.

All of them were in a state of mess. I walked upto them and placed my palm on Jia's shoulder.

She immediately turned back and saw me and the tears she had been holding for so long started to swell up her eyes. She hugged me tight and started to cry on my shoulders.

"Jia. Stop crying. Everything will be okay." I said by hugging her back but I was also breaking from within. I also wanted to cry out loud but just couldn't because I needed to be strong for Jia and his family. They were already broken by the attack.

I only wonder that what a lucky person Guru is. Even after loosing his parents, he got another set of parents who came to him in the form of his Uncle and aunt and such caring they are towards him. And even Jia. She even after knowing that he is not her own brother, is still showing the same care which she used to show before.

"How can you even expect me to stop crying? They found him and this was just a short escape. And we still don't know if he will live or not?" Screamed Jia which was probably heard by Mr.Karshyav and he walked towards us in utter confusion on his face.

"Jia! You know it?" Asked he.

"Yes. Dad. I know everything. I know that Bhai is not my sibling. He is your elder brother's son." Said Jia sobbing. "And I also know that who is after his life and why he is after his life."

I was shocked.

Who is after Guru's life and even why is he after Guru's life.

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