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What is love?

If you sang "baby don't hurt me" after you read that, be ashamed. Go in the corner. You're on a time out.

But seriously, what is it? Some describe it as a feeling. Some a story. A blessing. A curse. It seems like there's no one definition. But today, I'm fixing this. Based on my experience, I'm putting a new meaning on the word Love. Maybe whoever writes dictionaries can use this as reference.

Love hurts, I'm not gonna lie. I spent most of my 8th grade year in a one sided relationship with a complete bitch. I have no idea what I saw in her to begin with, but I did love her. It may have just been the prepubescent hormones, but that's all any love is on a scientific level. It took me a while to get over her after she cheated on me. It can also hurt physically. When you have a crush, sometimes when you see them, your chest tightens up and you can't breath. As cheesy and cliche as it sounds, it's true.

Love strikes without warning. One day you're talking to your friend, the next you can barely look them in the eye without feeling awkward. It's scary when you're not expecting it too. You might think you're crazy, you'll repress yourself, try to distance yourself from that person. But this only hurts not just you, but them too. They'll feel bad you won't talk to them anymore. And there's really no preventing that step.

Love consumes you. You can't think about anything except that person. You feel like a creep, but you're happier for some reason. You feel warm all over, but weird inside. You feel sick, but in a good way. It completely takes over the rational parts of your brain, usually shutting them off, because who needs those when you could have the butterflies in your stomach make the decisions?

Love is rewarding. When you achieve it that is. If you're in a happy, healthy relationship, both of you will feel good about it. You feel amazing when they're with you. They make you feel like the most important person in the world, and you try to return the favour. You compliment, get complimented, and you feel a little better about yourself.

Love comes and goes. You never know where a relationship may go. I've wasted years of my life in different ones that all went nowhere. The only one that lasted more than a month is my fiancé, and we're 3 years strong now. But you know, if one relationship ends, that only opens the doors to new ones. It took me 10 years and who knows how many ex's for me to realize I loved my fiancé. So who knows? Maybe you're future husband or wife is sitting across the room.

And lastly, love is messy. There's arguments, egos, opinions, and a lot more human flaws you need to take into account. You're going to fight. It's unnatural if you don't. You're going to get mad. You'll be annoyed at each other. Because you're both stubborn people with strong opinions. But you need to learn to let things go. A few years back, my fiancé and I broke up for a month or so. Because I was too fucking stubborn to admit I was wrong. But I was lost without her. So, I apologized, and now, we're getting married in two weeks. Love is about balance. There's give and take, compromise, you'll both still have hopes and goals. But the fact is, you're partner makes you stronger, helps you through, and will support you through everything.

So all in all, love is a mixed bag. There's problems with it, I'm not gonna lie. But you need to take that chance, because chances are, the person you love is there, waiting for you to reach out.

Love isn't a single thing. It's everything. You'll jump up and fall, laugh and cry, you'll be confident, you'll get annoyed. The important thing is, love makes you happy. It's not just a single emotion, or a word, it is what you define it to be. And it's different for everyone.

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