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We loved each other, and we fought. I couldn't help it, it just happened.

I accused myself as though it was my fault. I knew he would deny that is was.

And now standing here, I can't imagine my world with him gone.

We've brought each other so much joy in our chaotic lives.

The demons inside me finally came through.

I'm lost when he leaves me alone.

He locked himself in the bathroom.

He was lying on the floor when I broke through. He head was bleeding.

I pulled him close and felt his heart beat.

"Please don't leave me!" I scream as tear flow down my cheeks and I hold him tight.

Hold on, I still want you. I want you to be mine to hold and love, tonight, tomorrow, till the day I die.

Come back, I still need you. I need you to be ok. You make me who I am.

I take his hand as if it made everything right.

"I swear I'll love you for all of my life." I whisper through the tears.

Hold on because your all I need.

The long endless road.

You lay there silently.

Living a nightmare I can't seem to get out of.

I pray over and over again that the the light inside of you hasn't dimmed away.

I hide the shock and horror running through my mind the best I can.

They take you away on a table.

I pace the waiting room floor as I watch your body lay there, still and lifeless.

They pull you close and feel your heartbeat.

"Please don't leave me!" I hope you can hear my screams.

Hold on, I still want you. I want you now, I'll want you tommorow. I'll never get tired of you.

Come back, I still need you. Your the blood in my veins, the air I breathe.

I want to take your hand and turn back time just to make it right.

"I swear I'll love you all my life." I whisper as I place my hand against the door they took you through. "Hold on, I still need you."

I don't wanna let go. I can't let go.

I know I'm not strong enough without you. You can't leave me.

I just wanna hear your voice.

I wanna hear you tell me to take you home.

I just want to take you home.

"Hold on, he still wants you." My mum's voice rings in my ear. "He'll come back. He still needs you."


"Mr. Ryan Beaumont?" I lift my head from my hands. A doctor in shit stands in front of me. I jump up from the wooden chair I was sitting in.

"Yes." I reply tiredly and hopefully.

"Relax, he's gonna be ok. You got lucky. He will be ready for visitors in the morning. Go home and get some rest." I relaxed immediately at his words.

I sighed and thanked him. He gave me Andy's room number and the time of morning I can come see him. It's been a long day. All I wanted to do was hold him tight and neveret go, but I'd have to wait till morning.

"Oh, one thing, sir. Tomorrow when you come, don't be alarmed if it takes him a while to remember who you are. Just give him a bit of time." He said before turning and walking away.

I froze. What if he never remembers me? What have I done?

No. He will remember me. He has to. I need to stop being stupid.

I'm dragged out of the hospital by my mum. She wanted me to get home and get to bed. I guess the sooner I get to bed, the sooner I see my baby.

When I entered my room, I pulled the sheets and duvet off the floor. I layed down and felt cold. I need him.

I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned all night, finally giving up and pulling my phone out of my pocket.



"Thank you, sir." I said as the doctor turned and walked away.

He had brought me pain killers and told me what they had done. I don't remember why I had to get my head stitched up and why I had a concussion, but apparently I did.

I wonder if mum and dad will come to visit me?

If they even know. I bet no one's told them. How did I get here anyways?

I had so many questions, but I just layed my head against the pillow and fell asleep.


-| Here we go, yay I'm excited!|-

Hold On - Sequel to 'Happier'Where stories live. Discover now