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-|Important a/n question at the end!!|-


"Andy!" I yelled out between loud fits of laughter. I heard his small giggles and as he moved to a sitting position.

"Your so mean!" He said and splashed some of the water that was surrounding him up into my face. I laughed harder at his attempted mad face.

"I'm sorry but it's funny." I said once I had calmed down a bit.

We had decided to get out of the flat after the rain had passed. We were walking down a path in a park when Andy tripped over pretty much nothing and fell straight into a puddle. Luckily he had laughed as well so I didn't have to contain mine.

"Are you alright?" I asked him gently as I stuck my hand out for him to take. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. He was shivering.

"Yeah just a bit cold." He replied between chattering teeth.

I removed my hoodie and handed it to him. He tried to push it away.

"No Rye. You'll get cold." He said.

I rolled my eyes impatiently and grabbed his arms, pointing them towards the sky. I slipped the hoodie down his arms and over his torso. He huffed and turned away from me.

"Hey, don't turn away from me! Come on, I wanna go home and cuddle." I stated and grabbed his hand. He rolled his eyes but attatched himself to my side as I wrapped my arm tightly around his waist, starting the walk back home.

"You know, thinking back to everything we've been through, together and separate, I can't believe that we've actually come this far." He said in his small voice as he absent mindedly matched his footsteps with mine.

"I know. But it's all just made us stronger as individuals and as a couple. And you know that I could never imagine going through these things with anyone other than you." I replied softly and still found room to pull him closer to me.

I could see the small smile on his lips and the way his eyes looked straight forward, not really paying attention to anything but where he was going and me.



We had made it back to the flat. Rye had gotten settled in his bed before going to the kitchen to make us tea. He had been gone only a few short minutes when my phone buzzed. I looked at the notification lighting up my screen.

Dad - Just because I'm contacting you doesn't mean that I like you again. I have some things I need to tell you. Call me. Now!

My heart stopped. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Why would he need to talk to me? I thought it was clear that he hated me now and that was that. More messages started pouring in from him. Some were evil and were lined with swear words that we're like poison.

I saw my vision get blurry yet again. It was becoming something normal at this point. It felt as if my throat was closing. I couldn't call for Rye if I tried.

I stood up the best I could and made my way to the kitchen, stumbling about.

"Andy? Baby what's happened?" Rye nearly shouted and wrapped his arms around me as I collapsed against him.

I couldn't say anything so I handed him my phone and watched as he read the messages while running his fingers through my hair softly. I let a sob leave my body as it was too much to hold back. I shook as Rye's chest vibrated and a growl left his lips which were slightly parted. I heard the buzz of the phone again. He nearly fell over and showed me the screen.

Dad - For gods sake, Andrew! It's about your mother! You ought to know what's going on with her right now. But you probably don't care, you disobeying, lying, stupid little piece of shit!

I couldn't breathe. My mother.

Luckily we were by my bed as Rye reached up on the shelf and grabbed my inhaler, quickly handing it to me. I threw the cap God knows where and put it in my mouth, instantly being able to breathe again.

"You should call him. I'll be right here." Rye said to me after a few minutes and sat down on the ground, pulling me down in front of him. I nodded my head and dialed my dad's number with still shaking hands.

Here goes nothing.


-|Oo dang. Bet you didn't see that coming. I honestly didn't either lol. Anyways, I have a question. Do you think I should do a character and author q&a? Please answer honestly!❤️|-

Hold On - Sequel to 'Happier'Where stories live. Discover now