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-|Just a quick disclaimer, this is a very intense chapter!|-


One last hug. One last word. One last something. That's all I wanted. That's all I asked for. That's all I didn't get.

The call came late at night, or early in the morning. I answered it of course and immediately wished I hadn't. It was my nightmares, but it was definitely real life. I ended the call before they had a chance to finish speaking. I couldn't hear anymore of what they had to say. I was sick of it. Their fake pitty.

I could scream, cry, shout, even throw up. But I didn't do anything. I sat there and stared at the wall and waited for the call back saying it wasn't true. But I knew all too well that it was very true, and there was nothing I could do about it. She was gone.

I didn't react when Rye was speaking to me. I didn't move a muscle when he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't do anything. It was as if I was paralyzed.

I finally felt myself take a slow, shaky breath, the first movement I had made. I felt so many emotions and feelings hit me like a brick wall. I needed to get up. Rye wasn't budging. I smacked his hand which was around my waist and he still didn't move. I screamed louder than I ever had before. He let go. I ran. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I leaned over the toilet and let everything go. I was so dizzy and my vision was blurry. I could hear multiple sets of hands banging on the door and voices shouting for me to open it. But I was numb.

I didn't know what to do so I just laid on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. I felt like I had nothing left inside me. There were still no tears but dry sobs filled the small room and echoed off the thin walls. My throat burned. My eyes burned. My heart burned.

I heard a bang and light streamed into the room. I was lifted off the ground and into a lap. My face hit something warm and smooth and familiar. I felt the wetness of tears in my hair. I moved my hands and felt the strong arms. I opened my eyes to see tan skin.

I held on and didn't let go. I didn't want to and I couldn't. This was the only place I felt safe. The only place I wanted to be. The only place left that was home.


I woke up to his phone ringing. He shot up and answered it immediately. The way he hung up and didn't say anything or do anything scared me and I knew automatically what had happened. I sat up.

"Andy, look at me. It's ok, it's gonna be ok!" I pleaded. I grabbed his face when I realized he wasn't even breathing. I turned him to look at me. His expression was blank and he looked lifeless. I wrapped my arms around him tightly from behind. He didn't respond.

It was like a switch had been flipped inside him. It happened so fast. I felt his first breath. He hit my hand. I didn't move it. The deafening scream. It scared me so bad. If you weren't right there with him you would've thought he was dying. I let go. He ran. He locked the door to the bathroom. My heart stopped.

I ran after him and banged and banged and banged. Mikey joined in, yelling for Andy to open the door. Brook came in and started yelling for him. Jack stood off to the side, looking to the floor and shaking.

I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed Mikey and Brook out of the way and ran at the door. It didn't budge. I did it again. Nothing. One more time and the door flew open and there he was. My angle was lying on the floor. Loud, dry sobs escaped him and his eyes were squeezed shut. I was quick to act. I grabbed him and pulled him onto my lap. I laid his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped him up tightly.

My tears were already flowing but now they were landing in his hair. I fell back against the wall and brought my legs up as far as they would go. I pulled Andy tighter against me than I ever had before and laid my face in his hair.

"I lost her, Rye. I've almost lost everything. I have two things left to loose and I feel like their both slipping between my fingers. I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless. Help me, please!"


-|Oh my gosh, I feel so bad. This is so sad I'm so sorry!!|-

Hold On - Sequel to 'Happier'Where stories live. Discover now