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-|Important A/N at the end!!|-


"Andy?" Rye asked, his fingers freezing momentarily before continuing to run through my hair.

"Yeah." I replied, leaning back against him farther. I could feel myself moving with the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

"I know you said that you think that this is what your mum would want, for you to be happy, but I just get this feeling that something has happened to all of a sudden go from broken to happy in a matter of hours." He said softly. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Alright, stay here. I'll be right back." I said before turning around and pecking his lips softly before standing up and walking to my room.

I opened my bedside drawer and grabbed the letter. I walked back to Rye's room, sitting down on the bed so I was facing him. He sat up.

I handed him the letter and let him read it. When he was done, his eyes were watering. He looked up at me through his thick eyelashes.

"Andy, why didn't you show this to me this morning?" He asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down.

"I don't know. I just felt like I needed to keep it to myself for a while." I responded as I played with my fingers. "And, I felt bad for not noticing the same thing my mum had. While I was too busy being wrapped up in my own damn issues I wasn't paying any attention to the fact that your hurting too. I did nothing for you while you did everything that you could for me to help fix me and now I'm gonna make you my top priority. Nothing will come before you. I can't loose you, Rye. I held on and now I need you to hold on too, for me." I ranted, whispering the last part and grabbing his bigger hands in mine. He looked to the side with sad eyes. His back was slouched and his posture showed that he wasn't ok.

"Andy, please don't feel bad. Whether you know it or not, you were there for me. You've always been there for me. You won't loose me. I will hold on, I promise. For as long as you need me too." He replied as tears spilled down his cheeks slowly. I felt my eyes start to burn and the wet trails lead down my smooth skin.

I let go of one of his hands and hooked my finger under his chin, turning his face towards me. I looked into his eyes and saw the pain hidden in them. I knew he could see the worry and determination set in my dark blue ones. I was determined to help him. No matter what it took to make him better. He made me better and now I have to return the favor.

"I love you, Rye. Please open up soon and tell me why your breaking. I can't fix you until I know what the problem is. I'm not giving up on you, babe." I told him. I brought our lips together in a slow, loving kiss. It wasn't heated and we never wanted or asked for more. We just needed to know the other was close by and we needed that comfort. We needed to feel safe.

His arms wrapped around my waist and I snaked mine around his shoulders. When we pulled away, we where both breathless. Our tears had stopped falling and small smiles were set on our faces.

"I love you too, Andy." He whispered before pulling me down into a laying position with me on top of him.

I giggled lightly and burried my face in his neck. We felt each other's heartbeats and steady breaths as we laid awake, neither of us tired to sleep but not wanting to go out or do anything because all we wanted, all we needed, was to be close to each other and feel each other and know we were both there. The other's company was the best thing we had that night. And we cherished it. Every last second of it.


-|Oh my gosh this is gonna be a shocker to you guys and it's honestly a shocker to me as well, but the next chapter will be the last for this book. But don't freak out, I already have the next book planned to continue the 'Happier' series. Also, a lot of things have been happening in my life lately and if my writing just doesn't seem normal than that's probably why. Thank you guys for all your support and comments and stuff. Also, I'm almost at 200 followers! I'm so amazed, thank yall so much!❤️|-

Hold On - Sequel to 'Happier'Where stories live. Discover now