Chapter 2 | ☾ claws

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Chapter 2 | ☾ claws

• * • Gia • * •

My head began pounding terribly and I staggered backwards, hands flailing to catch onto something so that I could prevent myself from collapsing to the ground.

It was as if my skull was being split into two with the way it was going.

The agony in my head was unrelenting and hands grabbed onto my shoulders, steadying me. And as soon as the pain came, it left and I was left reeling from the shock of it all.

What the hell was that?

"I can assure you that I'm not that awful to warrant that sort of reaction," a voice drawled lazily as hands released me.

I blinked furiously, trying to get a hold of my bearings and my eyes focused on the man in front of me.

He was pretty good looking and had a faint trace of an English accent as he spoke. Crystal blue eyes studied me and they were accompanied with aristocratic features; a high forehead, lean and arrogant nose with his mouth forming an impish grin. He had short brown curls with some of them falling artfully onto his forehead.

He was hot.

It didn't help that he was tall and broad-shouldered with a lean body that was encased in a black jacket and denim jeans.

"I'm," I began shakily, startled and taken aback by the sudden event and the man in front of me. "I'm sorry for crashing into you, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going."

The man shrugged and nodded slowly, his grin turning into a solemn set on his mouth.

"It's not a problem. Nice holes, by the way."

I blinked and frowned. "What?"

"Your jeans."

I looked down and noted that my jeans really did look in poor shape from others' point of view.

"Oh, that, uhm, sibling fights. You know how those work," I fumbled, hands steadying myself by resting one of my palms on my car.

Honestly, what was that reaction? And what had caused it? I eyed the man in front of me warily. Was he using some variation of Wolfsbane that caused intense migraines of that nature?

Was he a Wolf or just a Were? And if he was the latter, I had to be on guard. With everything going on, tensions between Wolves and Weres had increased and most meetings between them usually escalated.

By extending my senses and not getting any hint of anything, I deduced that he was just a regular human male that really had the nicest blue eyes I had ever seen.

What on earth was wrong with me for even thinking about his eyes?

"Not really, no. I don't." He shrugged, shoving his right hand into the left front pocket of his jeans. "Only child and all, I'm afraid."

"Ah, well, I have five siblings," I muttered and gave a strained smile, my mind already cursing Viktoria and her penchant for ruining my clothes.

His eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

"Yeah, it's not that great," I replied awkwardly before straightening. "Look, I'm really sorry for crashing into you and-"

"You can just make it up to me by getting me another cup of iced tea," he interjected smoothly, watching me as if he was expecting something.

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