Chapter 3 - Phone Call

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When you got home, you unraveled your earphones to find a note wrapped around one of the wires. It had a number on it and on the other side it said Call me, Derek.
Your heart sped up just at this little note. You grabbed your phone and immediately put his number into the phone but then you hesitated before hitting the call button.
Do I call or is it too soon?, you thought to yourself, oh just screw it!
You rang him.
As the ringing tone was playing in your ear, you started nervously pacing around your room. There were boxes stacked all around your room from the move that you still hadn't unpacked.
"Hello?" Derek finally answered.
"Um...hi...umm...I got your note...oh it's (Y/N) by the if you didn't know that already," you rambled. You always ramble when your nervous.
"Hey, hey... calm down, I'm really you decided to ring me (Y/N)." Derek laughed.
"Sorry, I tend to ramble a bit when I'm nervous. Not that I'm nervous. I mean I am nervous but you make me nervous. No! I mean you don't make me nervous..."
All you could here was a chuckle in the background.
"I did it again didn't I?"
"It's okay, I think it's cute,"
Oh my god, he thinks I'm cute!! you think.
"Thanks," you breathed.
"Anyway, I was just wondering...umm," He sounded nervous now, "if maybe... you would like to go on a date with me?"
"Yes!" you immediately answered.
"Great... Well I'll text you when and where, is that okay?"
"Sure," you replied.
"So I'll talk to you later?"
"Bye then,"
The line when dead and you started doing your happy dance all around your room.
You had a date with Derek freaking Hale!!!


Sorry it's a short one but I thought I had to give you something. I can't believe I've had over one hundred readers!
I've decided to bring it back so that it corresponds with season one so soon you will see some of the best events of that season come up.
Sorry for the wait again, I will try and get the next one to you soon!!
Hope you liked it!
Becca xx

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