Chapter 5 - Magic Bullet Part 1

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It was couple of days after the disastrous date. The bell had just rang for the end of the day and you rushed to get out of this hell hole. You walked up to your car when you realised that there was a massive queue in the car park.
It was Stiles and Scott at the front with a strangely familiar guy in a leather jacket. Derek. What the hell is he doing here? You thought to yourself.
You ran over to them.
"What the hell is going on?" You hissed at the three of them.
"Everything's fine (Y/N). Just go home. We're handling it." Scott replied.
"Everything is so obviously not alright. Derek can hardly stand and you two are panicking!"
It was then that you saw the bullet hole in Derek's arm.
"What is that? Please don't tell me that is actually a bullet hole! What the hell have you got yourself into?!" You practically screamed at them.
"Would you be quiet and help me get him into the car?" Scott hissed back at you.
You helped him get Derek up and into Stiles' car. You then climbed into the back of the jeep.
"Woah, woah, what are you doing? You can't come with us!" Stiles said, practically spitting feathers.
"If you even think you could stop me coming with you, you are sorely mistaken!" you replied, "Just start the car!"
Stiles did what he was told and drove out of the car park but not before Derek told Scott he had to find the bullet.
Once you were away from the school you decided to ask what the hell was going on, only to be met with silence.
"I swear if one of you don't tell me what's going on I will go to the police about Derek being shot and I have a feeling you don't want me to do that." You threatened.
Stiles pulled over and turned to face you.
"I'll let Derek explain." He said and glared and Derek.
"Do you want to know the truth? Because once you know the truth you can't unknow it." Derek asked hesitantly.
"Yes, I want the truth!" You said impatiently.
"Okay, me and Scott are werewolves and I have been hit with a special bullet."
"Silver?" You asked.
"That's what I said!" Stiles butted in.
"No, Wolfbane and a rare one at that and if Scott doesn't find the bullet, I'm dead."
That's when it really sank in. Derek was a freaking werewolf! An actual freaking werewolf. The things of nightmares and fairytales were actual real.
You started hyperventilating.
"You're a freaking werewolf. Oh my god! This can't be happening! This is not real! It's just a dream!" You close your eyes and then open then but Stiles and Derek are still there looking at you like you're an idiot.
"Calm down, it's okay." Derek says and grabs your face so you look him in the eyes. You could see the sincerity in his eyes.
That was the last thing you saw before you passed out.

Sorry for taking so long. With moving to Northern Ireland and starting a new school I haven't had much time.
Hope you enjoy the chapter and I really appreciate all votes and comments!!

Becca xxx

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