Chapter 6 - Magic Bullet Part 2

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You woke up lying in the back of Stiles' Jeep. When you sat up you realised you were outside the animal clinic.
You open the door and climb out of the jeep.
As you step outside the last 24 hours come crashing back to you causing you to stumble.
Derek is a werewolf.
The guy you like is a werewolf.
You can't believe it and your heart begins to race.
You decide that you would go looking for Stiles and Derek. Heading into the clinic, you could hear raised voices.
Then you heard the sound of a electric saw.
"What the hell is going on in here?" You exclaim.
Stiles had a saw in his hand and looked like he was going to cut off Derek's arm.
"He has to cut it off or I will die!" Derek glares at you.
"How are you okay with this Stiles?" You ask.
"I'm not! But he's gunna maul me or something if I don't and have you seen his teeth? They're sharp!" Stiles replied.
Oh my god, what have I walked into? You think to yourself.
"Look he has to do this, I can't die. At least not yet."
"What do you mean 'at least not yet'?" You ask.
"That doesn't matter now. Stiles, do it now!"
"I don't think I can!" Stiles says, looking a little pale.
"Fine, give the saw to me and I'll do it!" You say.
You grab the saw out of Stiles' hand and turned of on again. You put it up to Derek's arm and are about to cut into his arm when Scott bursts through the door.
"What are you doing?!" He shouts.
"Did you get it?" Derek asks while Stiles sighs in relief.
"Oh thank god."
"What do we have to do with it anyway?" Scott asks.
And then Derek collapsed.
The bullet that he had in his hand rolled away and Scott went after it while you and Stiles went to try and wake Derek up.
You kept shaking him.
Tears were prickling your eyes.
"Wake up, wake up, damn you!" You practically screamed at him.
Stiles was slapping his face and then pulled his fist back and punched Derek in the face.
"What the hell Stiles?!?!" You shout but are cut off by Derek coughing and spluttering awake.
"Oh thank god, Derek you scared me!" you say as you slap his chest.
While all of this has gone on Scott found the bullet and hands it to Derek once he gets up.
Derek then tips a purple powder out of the bullet and lights it on fire. He then puts the powder into the bullet hole. Derek then loses consciousness again and starts convulsing on the floor.
"No, Derek, not again!" You collapse by his side.
He slowly comes round and chuckles.
"Can't get rid of me that easily." he says then gets more serious, "We have to talk."
"I know. Later."
Derek then threatens Scott but you are not really listening as you were thinking about how your life had suddenly changed within hours and the feelings you were suddenly having for the big bad werewolf. You were very confused.
Stiles and Scott left and Derek turned around.
"I think we need to have that talk now."

Thank you for all your supportive comments! I really appreciate it and I've had bad writers block and didn't want to give you a bad chapter. I know this one is not great but I thought you deserved something.
Love you all!!
Becca xoxo

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