Chapter 4 - Bowling

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A few days later you were at school, heading to lunch where you always sit with Scott and Stiles. To be honest you were getting a little bit suspicious that they were keeping something from you. Every time you sat with them they would stop talking about what ever they were talking about and looked really guilty.
You wondered if there was something wrong with you.
Had you done something wrong? Did they not like you? Were they talking about?
However today was different when you walked in to the cafeteria.
Lydia, Allison, Jackson and the rest of the popular crowd were sat at your table.
Luckily Stiles had saved you a seat next to him and Danny.
You didn't mind this because come on who doesn't love Danny?
"Hey," you said as you plonked yourself down in your seat. "what's going on?"
"I have no idea, they just sat down with us and I am kinda freaking out right now and I think Danny hates me!" Stiles whisper-shouted in your ear.
Just then Lydia started talking about hanging out with Scott and Allison, and Jackson.
"How about bowling? You love bowling." she asked Jackson.
"Yeah with actual competition!"
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison said, "You can bowl right?" she now turned to Scott.
"Umm.. yeah, sort of" he replied.
"Is that sort of or yes?" Jackson replied cockily. God, he's such a jackass, you thought.
"Yeah, in fact I'm a great bowler" Scott asserted.
"Oh shit, this is not going to end well." Stiles whispered in your ear. "He is the worst bowler!"
You just laughed.
You suddenly felt a vibrating in your pocket and pulled out your phone to see a text from Derek.
Not wanting to seem all sappy and smiley from the text because then question would be asked and you weren't in the mood, you got up to leave.
"I got to go do something, see you in class guys." you said waving them goodbye.
You then went into an empty classroom and opened the text.
For our date I'll pick you up at 7pm on Friday - Derek xx
You replied.
Where are we going? What should I wear? - (Y/N) xx
Something casual and it's a surprise ;) - Derek xx He replied quickly.


Friday night..

You dressed in your favourite top and a pair of jeans and had applied a little bit of makeup.
Now you were just waiting for Derek to come.
Your parent were out so you had the house to yourself where you were getting really nervous.
You started pacing back and forth in your living room.
Then the door bell rang.
You opened the door to a very handsome looking Derek with a bunch of you favourite flowers (Y/F/F).
"(Y/F/F), how did you know?!" you exclaimed.
"Just a lucky guess."
"Thanks, I'll go put these in water then." you replied, turning to go into the kitchen. "Where are we going then or is it still a surprise?" you asked.
"Bowling, is that okay?" he asked, looking a little nervous.
"Yeah that's great." you said. "but prepare to be beaten, I'm an amazing bowler!"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," he joked. "Shall we go?"
"Yeah" you said.
You locked up and turned around to see Derek holding the passenger door open for you.
"Who ever said chivalry was dead?" you laughed.
On the way to bowling, you chatted about lots of things and were finding each other's company extremely enjoyable.
You got in the alley and put on the horrible shoes and went on the the very last lane.
Derek set up both of your names and started the game.
You weren't very far through the game when you saw some familiar faces.
Scott and Alison and Lydia and Jackson went to play on a lane further down from you. They didn't see you though.
You then continued with the game with Derek already winning by getting all strikes so far but he seemed distracted. The jokey fun nature of the date change to awkward as he kept staring at Scott and the others with a scowl.
You kept asking "what's wrong?" and "are you okay?" but all he would say is "nothing" and "I'm fine".
When you had finally had enough of it you took off your shoes and got up to leave.
"Where are you going?" Derek asked.
"Far away from here!" you shouted. "Ever since Scott has walked in you have kept staring at him and spying on him and not paying any attention to me! If you want to spy on him don't use me as a cover story. I know there is something going on with you two. Hell probably even with Stiles as well. I was willing to let it slide, hoping you would tell me when you're ready but now I will find out what's going on if it's the last thing I do because you have pissed me off! If you wanted to stare at Scott all night just ask him on a date not me!" you shouted at him and walked off.
"(Y/N), wait, I'll drive you home." He said running after you.
"No need, I'll walk."
"No I need to apologise. Can I please just take you home?"
"No I need some time to think on my own so I'll walk. It's not far." you replied.
You walked out the door and heading home.
When you were almost home you felt like you were being followed so you sped up a little. When you looked around, there was no one there.
Then as you turned back around you saw a flash of what looked like red eyes in the trees. You stared at that spot for a couple of minutes before you decided it was just your imagination.
As soon as you got home, you crashed going straight to sleep.
You dreamt of red eyes.


Sorry it is really late and my updates are really slowly but I'm moving at the moment and I don't have a lot of time. Love everyone who reads this and votes or comments!!

Becca xx


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