Chapter 2

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Blazepaw trekked through the forest. She and Maplepaw had been split up on different hunting patrols.

"Are we almost there? My paws are killing me." whined Blazepaw.

"Yes, be patient and quiet Blazepaw, you'll scare all the prey from here to the mountains." hissed Crowfeather.

"But it's taking so long."

Leafbare had just ended and it was still a little cold outside so Blazepaw wanted to get out of the cold. She wished she could be curled up in the apprentice den. Then the fresh scent of rabbit caught her nose. She lifted her head to see if she could smell the rabbit. Sure enough, so she looked around and she saw it nibbling a blade of grass. She got into a hunter's crouch and crept closer and closer, and then she pounced. She killed it before it could hop away.

"Nice one." purred Crowfeather.

"Thanks!" she chirped.

"Shh, you'll scare away the prey here to Starclan."

"Sorry, and what happened to scaring all the prey to the mountains?" meowed Blazepaw with a hint of humor in her voice.

They ran back to camp in silence. When they got back to camp it seemed so busy. Everyone was running around doing all sorts of things. Alderheart was helping Flashkit put bedding in the elders den. Rosepetal was reinforcing the thorn barrier. Ivypool and Dovewing were sharing a piece of fresh kill. And Tigerstar was sharing tongues with Harestar.

As soon as Blazepaw walked into camp Barkpaw came bounding over and asked, "Have you seen Maplepaw? Last I saw her was when Squirrelflight was organizing hunting patrols."

Before Blazepaw could answer, Tigerstar called a clan meeting. At that moment Maplepaw's hunting patrol walked into the gorge with two sparrows and three mice. They dropped them on fresh kill pile and Maplepaw came and sat next to Poppypaw, Barkpaw and Blazepaw.

Tigerstar started to speak, "We are gathered under Sky Rock to give two apprentices their warrior names. Blazepaw and Maplepaw,"

You could see the look of surprise on everyone's face, and the look of excitement on Blazepaw's and Maplepaw's.

Tigerstar continued, "I, Tigerstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Gazing down on Blazepaw, he continued, "Blazepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life."

"I do." Blazepaw's voice shook. "Than by the powers of StarClan," Tigerstar stopped and looked at Harestar expectantly.

Harestar started, "I give you your warrior name. Blazepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Blazepelt. StarClan honors you for your courage and your curiosity, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Tigerstar and Harestar both rested their muzzles on top of Blazepelt's head. She licked both of their shoulders in response.

Now Mistystar stepped forward and started, "Maplepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life."

"I do." Maplepaw couldn't keep her voice from squeaking. "Then by the powers of StarClan," Mistystar also stopped and looked at Bramblestar.

Bramblestar started, "I give you your warrior name. Maplepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mapleflight. StarClan honors you for your loyalty and your curiosity, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Mistystar and Bramblestar both rested their muzzles on top of Mapleflight's head. She licked both of their shoulders in response.

Mapleflight and Blazepelt stood tall, the sun shining on their pelts. Hawkwing looked as if he were about to burst with pride and Leafstar looked upset that she hadn't given either of them their warrior names. Barkpaw trotted up and playfully butted Mapleflight's shoulder.

The Clan welcomed the new warriors by calling their names. "BLAZEPELT!!! MAPLEFLIGHT!!!" 

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