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Yall im tired as hell, I just want to sleep....



AppleJack's P.O.V.


I quickly exchanged numbers with the girls and said goodbye while making my way towards my locker. I eventually got there after pushing through the crowd and opened it. I couldn't help but think about the little kiss on the cheek Rainbow Dash gave me, it made me awestruck. I quickly grabbed my books and put it in my bag, shutting my locker straight after. I started speed walking towards the front of the school only to be stopped by a hand being placed on my shoulder, I look up and saw a worried Big Mac. I sighed softly and smiled up at him, "Hey Big Mac.." I said looking at him with an apologetic face. I knew he was probably upset about the fight, he always was the one to look after Apple Bloom and I when stuff like this happens. I would always try and avoid any confrontation like this fight so Big Mac wouldn't have to deal with it, but this time I couldn't let it slide. "We'll talk about what happened in the car." He said grabbing my bag and started heading towards the exit. I quickly walked beside him and started searching for Apple Bloom within the crowd. I didn't see Apple Bloom in the crowd as Big Mac and I weaved through it, I was about to start yelling when Big Mac grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the exit. "Big Mac I'm trying to search for Apple Bloom, could you stop pulling me towards the entrance so I can focus on finding our sister." I said a little annoyed. Big Mac just let out a small "hm" and continued pulling my arm. I let out a frustrated 'huff'  and let him continue what he was doing.

We left the school building and into the parking lot, I looked over towards the truck and saw Apple Bloom standing by it, waiting for us. I looked at Big Mac with 'really' face, knowing he probably knew the whole time that Apple Bloom would be by the car. I shook my head at him and removed my arm from Big Mac's grip and walked to Apple Bloom, smiling at her. Apple Bloom smiled back and walked towards the passenger seat, getting in when I unlocked the car, Big Mac hopping in as well closing the door behind him. I hop into the driver seat and close my door, putting my seat belt on before putting the keys into the ignition and starting the truck. I looked over towards Apple Bloom and Big Mac, seeing they also put their seat belts on,  I nodded my head and began to back out of the parking spot. "AppleJack, why did you get into a fight with that girl?" I heard Big Mac ask, his voice serious. I was just began exiting the parking lot before I opened my mouth to answer, I sighed before saying "What happened was I asked her to help me end a little fight between her sister and Apple Bloom but instead of helping me end it, she told her sister to keep pushing Apple Bloom around. I couldn't stand by and let that happen so I told her to she better tell her sister something different or else I'll get pissed and then she punched me in the face, so we fought." My eyes glued to the road ahead of us. "AppleJack's right! She was just looking out for me and then Sunset Shimmer decided to beat her up, how rude." Apple Bloom said crossing her arms and pouting.

Big Mac chuckled and sighed "Fine, I'll let it go, but don't go doing something like that again. One of the girls had a knife and if hit you with it, you could've gotten seriously hurt AJ. Promise me you'll be careful in the future if something were to happen like this again." He said, worry laced in his voice and shown on his face. I nodded my head held out my pinkie while still looking at the road, "Wanna pinkie swear on it?" I asked jokingly and I heard him chuckle before feeling him wrap his pinkie around mine. The rest of the way home was all of us joking around and talking about our day, but time flies when you are having fun and therefore we got back to the house rather quickly then we all expected. I parked the car in the dirt driveway and turned off the car, I heard Apple Bloom and Big Mac unbuckle their seat belt and open the passenger door. I quickly unbuckled mine and left the car, taking the keys and my bag with me.  I locked the car after Big Mac and Apple Bloom were out and we all headed inside. I heard Apple Bloom yell 'We're home!' and run upstairs, probably to her room. I quickly looked around downstairs for Granny smith and couldn't find her, 'She's probably in her room..' I thought before making my way towards the stairs. I got up the stairs and began fast walking towards her room, I got in front of her door and was about to open it when I remembered my nose, 'It's probably bruised...' I thought sighing before backing away and quickly making my way into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I was right, you could see the beginning stages of a bruise forming around and on my nose. I sighed and looked up, 'I'm going to get scolded or grounded, one of the two...' I thought before exiting the bathroom. 

I Won't Forget Our Love (AppleDash) EDITING/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now