Fan Clubs (Chapter 8) Part 2

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A/N = heh heh anyways UPDATE!!


Rainbow Dash's POV


I woke in a bit of pain and I was on a hospital bed and was hearing the sound of beeping and voices outside. I saw my friends walk in and they saw me awake, AppleJack ran over to my side and I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. "We thought we lost ya.." AppleJack said worrying. The others nodded, I smiled at them and said "I'm fine just a bit of pain that's all.." but did they catch the asshole that stabbed me? As if Pinkie read my mind she said "Did a guy in a cowboy outfit come up out of nowhere and stabbed you, then you passed out? you heard him say something before you did pass out about AppleJack and you woke up to be in the hospital and now I'm explaining this to you?" Everyone snickered and looked at Pinkie weirdly and Rarity spoke up. "Darling yo-"

"It is true." I said before Rare could finish. Everyone was shocked along was AppleJack especially that it was about her. "What?" AJ said as her shock face never left, I smiled and put a hand on her cheek before speaking up. "Pinkie explained it but did they catch dick head?" The shook their heads as I sighed before smiling. I took my hand off her cheek and thought of who he could be. 'I don't know anyone who is country other than my girlfriend' I thought as the others were talking. 'Maybe AJ knows someone who is country..' I looked over to my girlfriend as she was talking to Pinkie and holding my hand. "AJ, Do you know anyone who is country other than your family?" I asked her.

"Ah'm friends with a cowboy but he doesn't live in ponyville, Ah could show ya a pic if ya want sugarcube." AJ said and I nodded. She took out her phone and scrolled through her pictures, she stopped and hit one other the photos. "This one is from a day before me and my family leavin' to move here." When she showed it to me, I was shocked. It was the cowboy who stabbed me. "His name is Caramel. He used to have a huge crush on me, I think he got over it though." AppleJack said as she looked at my face a bit more.

"Is something wrong? You seem uneasy sugarcube." I felt uneasy because this douche was going after mygirl. I felt my jaw clench as she pulled away her phone and put it in her pocket. "Are you sure he got over you?" I said, sounding careful. She gave a confused look and asked why. "Because he was the one who stabbed me." All their eyes went wide as I said that. I saw AppleJack's eyes flair with anger, she then shot up from her chair next to the hospital bed "Ah'm gonna knock the livin' hay out of that boy!" AJ said and tried to storm off to beat 'the livin' hay' out of him but I stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"Calm it honesty, I don't need you fighting some douche right now." I said as she turned around and looked at me. "Do Ah' have to remind ya that your in the hospital? Because, of him!" She said angrily I smiled and got her to sit down. I told her I was okay and If she did beat the living shit out of him, at least let me be there.There was a knock at the door and Nurse RedHeart came in. "Rainbow Dash theres someone here to see you." She said as someone came in. I was a girl with blue hair and she was wearing all black well you could see her shirt in her jacket and it was cyan. She wore high heel boots and had a chain glove with a sword ring. "Hiya~!" She said as she smiled and waved. We all were confused on who she was except for Pinkie. "CottenWind! You're here!!! YAY!!" "Um excuse me, I think you have the wrong room." Twilight said as she walked behind Pinkie slowly. "Nope I don't I was the one who patched up Rainbow here so she could make it to the hospital." CottenWind said as she walked over to me and handed me something. It was my bracelet that the girls gave to me. "When I patched you up this fell off of your hand so I came to return it." I smiled "Thanks, for returning it and stopping my wounds." I said as she started leaving but Twilight stopped her. "Why would you be helping us? Whats in it for you?" CottenWind smiled and walked to the door and stopped, "Thats for you to find out on your own. But its nothing bad I hope you know. You can just say I improved your friend." She said as she open the door and walked out closing it behind her.

"If that girl did anything to hurt you shes dead big time." AppleJack said


A/N =

Sorry for it being short but I hate taking a long time to update so yeah sorry and

Stay Fluffy My Cottens!!!!

I Won't Forget Our Love (AppleDash) EDITING/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now