Fan Clubs Part 1 (Chapter 7)

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Great more stress ugh. here you go!


AppleJack's POV

Ah've been wonderin' all about that kiss. Its tarin' me apart and ah' cant think straight! Ah' was walkin' in the halls from our school until Pinkie Pie stopped me. "AppleJack!" She yelled and cause'd some students to stare. "Yah' Pinkie?" Ah' asked a bit tired. "Wow, you look awful." Pinkie said. "Ah've had a lot on my mind lately. So ah'm losin' sleep." Ah' say with a yawn followed behind, "Well.... You have more to think about because we have fan clubs!!!" She said happily. "Fan clubs?" she nodded really fast, "Okay, I'll tell you the fan clubs. Twarity, FlutterPie and AppleDash!" My eyes went shocked after she said AppleDash, does she mean me and Rainbow Dash shipped together as a couple?!?! "Pinkie wha-" Ah' was cut off by yelling in the cafeteria.

Once me and Pinkie got to the cafeteria, Ah' saw Rainbow Dash and Twilight fighting over the fan clubs. "I didn't start them!" Twilight yelled "Bull-Crap Twilight! I know you did! You just wanna get me back from when I called you and Rarity sex buddies!" That's when Pinkie and ah' stepped in. "I did it!" Pinkie yelled. "WHAT?!?!?!" Twilight and Rainbow yelled together at Pinkie. Ah' sat there trying not to laugh at the girls. "Why aren't you shocked?" Twilight asked me, ah' sat there trying to control the laughter while trying to speak. "Pinkie told me in the hallway, so ah'm not shocked." Rainbow looked pissed but in a love-like way. 'Ah' cant even look at er' without thinkin' about that kiss' ah' thought. Pinkie leaned over and said quietly "You take Rainbow to calm down and I'll take Twilight." Ah' agreed and walked over to Rainbow Dash, grabbed er' hand and dragged her out of the cafeteria.

Me an Rainbow Dash were walking in a empty hall because everyone was in class besides me, Rainbow, Twi and Pinkie. "AJ let go will ya?" Rainbow Dash said in a complain tone. Ah' then realized ah' never let go of Dash's hand. ah' let go of er' hand and apologized for doin' that, "Why are you being so silent?" Rainbow asked me. "Ah'm thinkin' about stuff." Ah' flatly said. Ah' heard her smirk before locking our hands together. "First of all, why did ya smirk and second, why did you jus' now hold my hand after wanting me to let go of it?" Ah' asked the Rainbow haired tomboy. "Oh no reason." She said devilish like before pinning me against the wall. "Rainbow what ar-" Ah' was cut off by Rainbow Dash kissing me passionately. Ah' tried breaking free but my heart wanted more, wanted to be with er', wanted er' at my side forever. I kissed er' back with a little hesitation behind it. We broke apart with staring into each others eyes. "Ah' love you..." Ah' said accidentally, Ah' looked away, blushing like crazy. "I love you too." Ah' heard Rainbow say, ah' was shocked..... She loves me back! Ah' sat there unable to move or speak at her words, she smirked at my little shockness. (No idea if that's a word....) "Date me?" Rainbow Dash asked me, Ah' slowly nodded 'Yes' to her question. Ah' felt her lips on mine, kissing me passionately again. We broke apart and went to go find Twilight and Pinkie.


Rainbow Dash's POV


Me and AppleJacks hands were together as we walked back towards the cafeteria. I looked at my new girlfriend and smiled, 'This feels so right' I thought. I felt like our love would last forever. Sounds cheesy huh. We got to the cafeteria and we saw Twilight and Pinkie Pie laughing and joking around. "There you two are!" Twilight said. We got over to the table and Pinkie stared at our hands, "Did we miss something?" Pinkie asked, she was also pointing at our hands as well. I smiled as said "Me and AppleJack are dating, aren't we?" I saw AppleJack blush a bit when I said that we are dating, Pinkie and Twilight fan-girled while me and AppleJack stood there blushing a bit.

We sat down and talked and everything! that's when FlutterShy and Rarity came in the cafeteria looking pissed. "PINKIE!!!" Rarity screamed loudly and that when me, AppleJack, Twilight and Pinkie bolted out the cafeteria. It was like we were running from a killer! Rarity and FlutterShy were running after us, and screaming at us. We ended splitting up, me and AppleJack were together hiding from FlutterShy.

I was out of breath and so was AppleJack but that didn't stop her from kissing me. She put her lips on me gently and kissed me sweetly, she was actually perfect. Me and her pulled away and we heard walking so me and AppleJack hid just in case it was Flutters. I saw AppleJack trying to contain her laughter from all this. We saw FlutterShy and she saw us, she started whisper yelling at us. I told her that I was pissed as well but we got over it. AppleJack got Shy to calm down and all 3 of us went outside for some air. Soon enough Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight join us as well and Rarity squeals and runs to us. "Oh my, Twilight and Pinkie told me you 2 were dating! I'm so happy for you!"

I smiled and said thank you and we started a conversation till the bell rang to go to our next classes. As always I ditched school but this time it was different, I felt like I was being watched. I turned around to see a cowboy standing there with an evil look on his face. "Who are you?" I asked rudely, he didn't answer but started walking towards me, so I got ready to fight. He then pulled out a knife, 'Oh I'm screwed...' I thought. I was going to run the other direction but he got to me first and stabbed my side. I fell to the floor in pain and felt a sharp pain in my back.

I refused to scream because I think it shows sign of weakness, then a sharp pain came into my foot. I started to pass out from bloodloss but before I did I heard him say "AppleJack is mine....." and then I passed out.


??? POV


I was walking out of class because I needed my text book out of my car but when I left to go to my car, I saw Rainbow Dash covered in blood and I ran over to her. "Don't worry I'll make you all better..." I said carefully. I picked her up and put her in my car and we drove away.

A/N =

Holy cow I updated welp here you go and who do you think is the mysterious person is? (Im talking about thw person who is helping Rainbow Dash) hm. Comment below who you think it is and I wanted to decade this chapter to a new follower, she is friends with my 2 most favorite writers EVA! anways her name is AmyYuXuan go check her out if you havent and.....

Stay Fluffy My Cottens!

I Won't Forget Our Love (AppleDash) EDITING/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now