New to Town

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This is under severe editing.......I'm cringing help me


AppleJack's P.O.V


I wake up from my slumber when I hear Apple Bloom yell from behind my door. "WAKE UP APPLEJACK, TODAY'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I hear her walk away from the door and go downstairs. I sigh, today is Wednesday, the first of school for us since the move here to Ponyville. It's just me, Apple Bloom, Big McIntosh and Granny Smith. Ma and Pa are world traveling so they aren't here but they do call often to check on us, which is sweet of them to do. I stretch, get out of bed and head for my bathroom. My hair was a complete mess but it didn't matter at this moment, I need to shower, then I'll deal with my bed head. I start the shower and get in. Quickly doing what needs to be done in the shower, I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I take my brush and start brushing my hair. I put the brush down, grab a rubber band and put my hair in a low ponytail like always.

I enter my room and get dressed. Just a simple white undershirt and orange flannel for my upper half and simple blue jeans for my bottoms half. I grab pair of socks and my shoes and quickly put both of them on before grabbing my hat. I put my hat on then look in my body mirror, nodding at myself before exiting my room. I head downstairs where I see Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac. "Good mornin' everybody." I said with a smile. They all greet me back before going back to what the they're talking about. Apple Bloom is ranting about how she can't wait to go to school but I know her, the moment we get close to the school shes going to be begging to be home; She does it every time.

I join Big Mac in the kitchen where hes cooking breakfast. I lean on the counter and talk a little quieter before saying, "You do realize shes going to want to come back home once we get close right? You might have to carry her in the school." Big Mac looks at me for a second before letting out a 'eeyup' and turning back to the food. I nod in conformation before getting the table ready for food. Apple Bloom quickly sits at the table, Granny following shortly after. I finish setting the table and enter the kitchen to help Big Mac finish our breakfast. I start cutting up apples, pears and mangos for our fruit bowl, Big Mac is cooking eggs, pancakes and sausage. Big Mac finishes before me considering he started earlier that I did and goes to put the food on everyone's plate. I quickly finish soon after and go into the fridge and get the freshly made orange juice, then bring both juice and fruit to the table. Big Mac and I then sit at the table and say our prayers before eating.

'''~Time Skip~'''

I sit in the drivers seat of my truck, it's seen better days but it still runs good so I don't mind. Apple Bloom Hops in the middle, Big Mac following after. Buckling up our seat belts, I start up the car as I hear Granny yell 'Have a good day'; We wave out the window before I start driving away from the farm. Apple bloom starts talking about how she can't wait to make new friends meet new people at our school. The thing about our school is that it has both middle schoolers and highschoolers in the same school, so Big Mac, Apple Bloom and I all go to the same school. We're about halfway there and Apple Bloom has been silent for a bit, meaning she's going to start wanting to go back home soon. As if on cue, Apple Bloom immediately starts saying she wants to go home. "AppleJack, I don't wanna go to school!" "Well too bad, Granny said y'all going whether you like it or not." I said sternly.

Apple Bloom pouted and sunk back into her seat. "What happened to being all excited to be going to a new school?" I started patting her leg, "Cheer up sugarcube, I promise it wont be as bad as you think." I said trying to cheer her up. "Eeyup" Apple Bloom sighs "Let's hope so.." The rest of the car ride was silent minus the car engine and the turned down radio. We arrived in no time, pulling into the school parking lot, we quickly find a spot to park. Turning off the engine, we unbuckle our seat belts and quickly leave the car. Both me and Big Mac anyway, Apple Bloom still sat in the car. "I think I'll stay in here if thats alright with the two of you... heh heh.." Apple Bloom said nervously looking down, I look at Big Mac through the car and we both nodded before he grabbed Apple Bloom by the arms and I push her through my side. Apple Bloom was surprised by what we did and wasn't able to put much of a fight because of it. Big Mac quickly threw her over his shoulder and shut the car door before walking towards the school, Apple Bloom saying we're mean through the whole thing.

I Won't Forget Our Love (AppleDash) EDITING/DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now