2- Sandbox drama

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I'm now a freshman, and Aaron is senior in high school. We haven't been friends since the day he arrived from London, and thankfully we haven't had many run-ins too. Somehow he raised to the top of our schools 'food chain' fast, and new friends and popularity struck him hard. To see him in school was never pleasant. He always had a tongue down on somebodys' throat, or he was bullying or fighting the others. Bullying the ones who were just like him a few years ago.

The first year without him was hard. Before, my whole life depended on the guy. Every plan I had made involved Aaron, and now I had to build my life from the start. Heartbroken, I slowly separated from friends, and from Jenna too. I felt like casual teenage tragedies were draining me from the last energy I had left. With Aaron, I always felt older, and more mature. He always focused on the important and real parts of life, and never made up stories behind someones' back, like bitches do these days. And having fun reminded me of Aaron... I soon threw out my guitar and notes and sunked in the world of books. I spent the whole of my freshman year in school, or between the four walls of my room. I couldn't even leave the house without being afraid to run into Aaron. Would be uncomfortable to run into him and some one night butterfly, who he dragged into his bed, every night, like leopards drag their dead pray on the branches of a tree and let it rot there, until they get hungry again. Where he finds girls that 'easygoing', I always wonder. Answer most likely is that from the multiple parties he attends to. But doesn't those poor girls have any self-respect at all? Or are the rumors true, that no woman can decline Aaron Carter Merrick?

I walked past the lockers when heard a familiar voice behind me.

,,Hey, Lexy!''

We don't spend time together or even talk a lot, but I know Jenna haven't forgotten about me,  even if I now wore baggy old clothes and didn't put any makeup on my unperfectly pale skin what automatically made me a punching bag-nerd in school. We still had each other if one was in serious need of help or support.

,,Hey, Jenna.'' I gave her a small smile and continued without waiting for her.

,,Lexy, wait up, don't go there.''

,,Why?'' She now got my attention.

,,I know you probably are over that beef you had with Aaron years ago but-'' She stuttered.

I felt impressed by the fact that I still wasn't over it, but I couldn't let Jenna see that.

,,He and some other guys not from our school are giving out their bands' concert flyers in the hall. And I think they are drunk because they do nasty remarks and trash the place.'' She sounded worried, and her body position told that she really didn't want me to go there. Hell, it looked like she wouldn't let anyone go there.

,,He's in a band?'' I muttered, curiosity getting the best of me.

,,You didn't kno-, Whatever, Yeah Lexy! He is.'' She stated, half excited. ,,And they are pretty good.'' She added in a low voice, her cheeks now in a shade of strawberry jam.

I just shook my head and continued towards the crime scene. I had to pass that hall anyway. Jenna slowly trotted beside me. I was middle length, but she still was inches shorter than me, and keeping up with my abnormally long strides for her was a hard workout.

,,Party like a rockstar. Doors open till 3.'' I heard shouting. ,,Best night of your boring lives.'' I was now closer and could distinguish Aarons' voice. Just as I was about to turn around the corner I hear a low, lazy, raspy and unfamiliar voice arrogantly scream. ,,And all you fucking lifeless cunts will be let in.'' The guy sounded even disgusted a bit, and strong British accent made it even more snobby. Who was that brick?

,,Who the hell that British snob thinks he is? You lifeless c-'' I mocked. ,,And who the hell fits this many curse words into one sentence?''

We stood close enough to hear and see the catastrophe going on, but in the safe distance to not to be disturbed.

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