Smokers stop

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When I got back to my seat John wasn't there. I started to panic he probably did hear me say don't let me go John in my sleep and changed his seat or something. I know I was being stupid, all his belongings were still here but I couldn't help myself to think that way.

Goodmorning strawberryshortcakes John said holding two plates of pancakes in his hands.

I blushed Goodmorning.

You look beautiful why you all dolled up? John said handing me a plate.

Just came from freshing up I said pulling out the table from the seat infront of me to set my plate on.

Oh I still have to do that I was helping Bill with his morning work load, you know collecting pillows, washing pillow cases, making breakfest down at the dinning car John said.

You cook? I asked after I took a bite of my pancake.

Your eating my cooking right now John said with a full mouth if pancakes.

I couldn't help but to smile at him.

There will be a 20 minutes smokers stop coming up shortly for our passengers who smoke cigarettes. There you can walk around, get some fresh Today is the tommorow you were worried about yesterday air, stretch them legs. don't forget to visit are gift shop . "The train conductor announced.

You should hurry up and finish eating so we can visit the gift shop together John said stuffing more food into his mouth.

Ok I said in a small quiet child's voice, I kept on repeating we in my head he said we. I know he didn't mean anything much when he said we but that two letter word had a hold on me.

After eating breakfast John left to freshing up downstairs . 15 minutes later he came back up wearing a fresh sky blue v neck t-shirt,dark blue skinny jeans with holes in them and his white converse. His blond hair scatter in a orderly mess, and he smelled so good. I didn't notice I was staring for so long.

John raised his right eyebrow at me "I'm beginning to worry about you Jade."

I started to blush a bright red " I just really like your shirt that's all."

It's not really much to look at I got thousands of these plan v neck t's"John said looking down at his shirt.

The train started to slow down before stoping completely. The train had stop in front a small Amstrack building that look like a larger version of a wooden cabin. Passengers started to to get up and head out the door nearest them. People took pictures with their phone, others walked while talking loudly on the phone, parents yell at their kids that they can only get one item that's not over 10 dollars at the gift shop. The smell of Tobacco was in the air while smokers huff and puff and choke on their cigarettes smoke.

John wanted to visit the gift shop, so we went in. There were hats, sunglasses , t-shirts, key chains, that said welcome to Georgia. They also sold food, big stuff annals, and all types of merchandise.

" They sell everything here don't they?" I said looking over to John who was trying on different sunglasses.

"They fix this place up nicely since I left Georgia to travel the USA" John said winking at hisself in the mirror.

I walked over to him and pick up the mirror lens red framed shades and started posing in the mirror with him.

"There's not enough room in the mirror for both of us Madonna " John said hip bumping me out the view of the mirror.

"Looks who talking! you were just winking at yourself" I hip bump him back.

"We can do this all day or we can get in line before it gets long and train leaves us." John said bumping me hard with his hip.

"So what do you wan?" John said pulling out an old brown worn out leather wallet.

"Oh no I'm fine just wanted to stretch my legs that's why I came" but secretly I wanted to get something that remind me of him.

"You sure?" John raised his one eyebrow at me. "You know what I will buy you those glasses you wearing and you can pick out one more thing" John took the glasses off my face then took his off to put on the counter.

I felt like a little kid who parent told them the can get two items in the store.

I walked towards the stuff animal shelf and pick up a big brown bear wearing a plain white t. I brought it to the counter . John paid for the items 2 sunglasses 1 big bear 1 blue fine tip sharpie marker for 19 dollars. Then we boarded the train again. "so what you going to name the bear?" John asked ounce we got seated.

"I don't know" I lied. The bear had a name ever since I laid eyes on it, the name John Doe. The real John didn't need to know that, it was a secret between little John Doe and I.

"I didn't buy you a bear for it to be a nameless bear" John took the bear out of my hand and stare into its big brown eyes. " you have your mother's eyes" John dramatically stroke the bear's face, which brought me tears if laughter. "what do you want me to name the bear?" I asked wiping the tears if my face.

"What is his father last name?" John asked in a serious office like tone. " he can be a jr."

"He don't have a father" I said waiting on John response as if what he says next determine if I live the same way or not.

"I can be his father, that is if you want me too" John stare into my eyes waiting for me too speak.

"Then his full name will be little John Doe Jr. the second" I announced holding my very special bear up high for all on the train to see.

John laughed " such a fancy name for a stuff bear" he pulled out the blue sharpie marker he bought and wrote on the bear it's full name.

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