Welcome to Georgia

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I stepped out into the hot Georgia heat. Bill was calling names out on tags tied to luggages, while the passengers walked up to get handed their luggage.I already had my luggage, I didn't bring to many things so it fit above our seats...easy access. For John he had his book bag swung across his back with one strap. The atmosphere was very happy for the most part. Passengers kissed and hugged their love ones they haven't seen in a while. But for me I was sad holding my bear that was so big it block my view, I was trying to look for my grandparents who I never met before. "Who you looking for?" John asked. "God you scared me!" I jumped not expecting him to be right there. " My grandparents I don't see them" I looked around as if I knew how they look like. " I will wait here with you until they come" John started to walk into the the station. I followed him and we took a seat on a cold metal bench. In the station was madness. People where boarding and getting of trains. It was pack wall to wall of screaming family members with names on signs they waved. Balloons, gift bags, and smaller versions of my bear that said congrats or welcome home that parents gave to their kids.

" Where's your family John ?" I asked as I wonder why he was setting here with me instead of trying to find them.

" They don't pick me up I like to walk home from here it helps clear my mind." John look over at me if you don't see your grandparents you should walk home with me it's relaxing.

" I would love to" I got up and took his offer before any of my father's family members could pop up. I din't want to be with them, I wanted John. We got up from the bench on our way to the exit when, the announcement was made "will Jade Joeann Jackson please report to the front desk your grandparents are waiting for you.". John stopped "I think that's you,do you want me to walk you over to the front desk before I leave?"

I felt like I had just been stab in the heart. How could I have been that dumb? Thinking I could just ignore my grieving mother, my father's funeral, my father's family, and go with John. How could I let my imagination slip from me, to think I thought that John could love me, we could be together like a naive little girl. for God's sake I don't even know him we'll he is just a sexy stranger I met on the train.

"No that's ok" I said in a small quiet voice.

"I really enjoy the time I had with you" John said while pulling out his iphone.

"The pleasure was all mine" I spoke quietly into my bear's ear.

"I will like to keep in touch if you would too" John handed me his phone.

I wrote my cell phone number in under new contacts, under name I wrote Ms. Jackson and for the picture we took a selfie together just John and I at that moment I save it for the contact photo on his phone. I was happy that he had some interest in me but sad that I had to leave him. So for the very last time I asked John if he wanted to take one more selfie with me on my iphone.

" Make your sillies face on 3, 1..2.....3!" Joh snapped the picture holding my phone with his left hand and his right arm around me. It almost seem like a family picture with little John Doe Jr. and John and I making a silly face.

John gave me a hug than headed to the door, before existing he turned around and yelled on top of the many voices in the station " I'll call you when I get home!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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