Riding Coach

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Heres your ticket, the train your  getting on is A3 my mom said handing me a ticket.

Thanks mom I said taking it and getting on the train.

Can I see your ticket please said an older man in a amtrak uniform.

Sure here you go I said struggling not to drop my luggage.

Sorry Ms. Jackson but your not seated on this side of the train, you belong in the front, your ticket says coach seats.

We don't have alot of money mom is the only income. The closes we ever been to a vacation was a day at the beach, nothing fancy never anything fancy.

Coach seats! Mom  I sigh knowing this was her way of saying sorry for all of this.

Follow me Ms Jackson he said taking my luggage leading me forward towards coach.

He sat my luggage above the seats. Ms. Jackson someone bought the seat near the window but I hope you enjoy your stay here on Amstrak train from simple comfort to pampered pleasures. He said with a wide smile.

Thank you so much for your help sir I said. 

If there any thing  else you need Ms. Jackson just ask for Bill and I will be right over to assist you.

  Thanks Bill I will I said with a smile.

I had been sitting for 15minutes now waiting for all the passengers to board the train, but I didnt mind

The seats are large blue and full of comfort, theres alot of leg room, trays for eating that pulls out from the seat in front of me, and a plug for charging my iphone.

My mom was still at the station waiting for the train to departure.I could see her out the window, she didnt look like herself. Her beautiful red hair was in a high messy ponytail, she had dark circles around her eyes which were a light bluegreen, her skin was a sicken pale, and she was in her pj's still.

Thats not my mom thought. My my always had her hair down in large bouncy red curls, her eyes always was alert and alive, she had rosy color to her cheeks when she blush which she always used to do. My mom would never go out in public in her pj, she love to dress up.

20 minutes until desparture thanks for choosing Amtrak ,the annoucement shook me from my thoughts.

Escuse me said the tall, honey blond, blue eyed, boy standing in front of me. He was wearing a plain white t shirt with a gray cardigan on top, dark blue wash jeans, and white converse.

You wouldn't mind if I put my bookbag on top of your suitcase would you?  he asked taking of a heavy looking hikers bag.

No, I would't mind I said. He set his bag above the seats near mine, while he was strecthing his shirt lefted up a little and i could see his six pack down to his lower pelvis where lied little curly blond pubic hair all the way down to his black leather belt.

I felt my cheeks turning red.

Am so sorry but you wouldn't mind getting up right? I always buy the seat near the window, it gets boring on long train rides it helps to look outside he said moving his hand through his blond hair.

No sure I said getting up and letting him pass. When he sat down in the seat by the window he said I'm John by the way.

Jade I said with a smile. Oh God he is handsome just stunning with such simplicity. My thoughts were trying to keep up with my racing heart. I wasn't inhailing right, my stomache felt funny, and I was starting to sweat. I was suddenly worried about stupid things I usally dont care that much about like my hair, the clothes I was wearing, and would he know it was me if I farted

Jade... Jade congrates he said.

For what? I asked loving how my name rolled of his tongue.

For being the first Jade I met ever in my life, and exceling my expectation what a Jade should be like John said laughing

You can't judge a person base on their name thats crazy I said.

Well every Sarah I ever met was so focus on being a good girl and pleasing someone the forgot how to live with no regret. John said in a Mr. knowitall tone.

Well then you must be like every other John I ever met selfcenter, cocky, rude and ugly. I said meaning the opposite of every word I said.

I guess your right, so where your headed? John said pluging in his iphone to the outlit near the window.

To visit my dad and his family I said handing my phone and charger so he could plug it in for me.

Cool you and your dad close? John asked lingering his warm finger on my hand before taking my phone to plug it in.

I don't know what came over me but I felt compelled to lie. I wanted to tell him the truth, that my father who I never met died and am staying with his parents, my grandparents who I never met because they thought my mom was nothing but trouble for their son but now he is dead they want me at his funeral and they want to get to know me all of a sudden. Outside the window is my mom who is torn all over again about the hole thing.

But I didn't want him to know, I didn't want to believe it myself, I dont want him to think I came from a broken home, I don't want to see myself as a broken girl.

Hello Jade you still there? You don't have to answer if you don't want too, I was just trying to make conversation John said with a reasuring smile.

Before I could stop them,the lies flew out of my mouth.

Yeah no problem. I grew up with my mom and dad just came from visiting my mom grandparents here, now am going back to my parents. My childhood was great my father parents took me to the beach all the time. On sundays my mom would make the larges southern dinner you could imagen. I loved growing up in Georgia.

What about you? I asked now feeling guilty for lieing. But thats how I wished things really were.

I also grew up in Georgia...in a foster home. When I was 16 I finally found a stable foster family, but as soon as I turned 18 I left. Now all I do is pack my gray backpack with what I need and hop on the train to lord knows where John said.

Why you are you returning home then? I asked curious.

Because my foster dad lost one of his co workers, I knew him...he was a role model to me. He told me John follow your heart, don't regret not doing something you know you should have done, something you wanted to do John spoke as if he were somewhere else.

His name was..

  The train started to move. People in the station started to wave at their love ones in the train. All the passengers were glue to the window blowing kisses and saying their last goodbyes. The train was gaining speed now and I saw my mom running to keep up with my window she was now waving like a mad woman screaming bye Jade sweety i'll miss you take care of yourself tell everyone I said hi.

Do you know her John asked looking over to me.

No...not anymore I used to I said turning my head away from the window not daring to look through it until we left the station completly.

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