(The Announcements) Chapter #2

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Akko POV
I walked out of the bathroom all dressed up for class today. Sucy, Lotte and I then walked out of the room and to class. As we were walking an announcement was then told by the headmaster. "Students of Luna Nova, there will be an Assembly today about the upcoming days. Please make your way to the Auditorium to hear the announcement." "Let's go guys!" I say excitedly. We bursted though the Auditorium and stood there quietly. After what felt like an eternity, the headmaster finally showed up to tell the news. "As all you know, after the 7 girls defeated the Missile, our school has been very popular. So the school, Appleton has requested to visit our school. So the students of Appleton will be staying here for a month, you will be partnered up with one of their students. They will arrive here tomorrow so be sure to get everything packed." The headmaster then slowly walked away and into the shadows. Some girls then started to fangirl and giggle. "I can't believe handsome Andrew will be coming to our school!" A girl yelled. Diana's friends then started to laugh and gossip about what will happen the following days. "This is gonna be horrible...." I thought. "Frank's coming here..." Lotte mumbled as she blushed. "Lotte's got a boyfriend I see." Sucy says as she snickered. "N-no!" Lotte yelled while hiding her blushed face. We both just giggled and went to class.
Andrew POV
"Who are you choosing?" Frank asked. "I don't know, I'll have to think about it." I professionally say. "Alright dude, I'm choosing Lotte cause she's the only person that belongs in my heart." "Is that so?" I say smirking. Frank then blushed a shade of red and looked into the blue clear sky. "Y-yea, I'm sure you wouldn't know what it feels like." He mumbled. "Anyways, I think i'm gonna choose Ms. Kagari." I stated. "Why not Diana, you've known her since childhood after all." "I would much rather be with Ms. Kagari than Diana." I say while walking away. "Looks like someone's falling for Akko." Frank says smugly. "I don't like her, I'm just intrigued by her.." I mumbled. I then made my way to the headmaster's office and told him that I have made my decision. He quickly nodded and wrote our names down. I then decided to walk around the school, thinking about life.
~Time Skip Night~
Akko POV
I started packing my things, when suddenly I was distracted by a nervous Sucy. "What's wrong Sucy?" Lotte asked. "I have to live with a random guy for a month..." She says while shaking. "We are to, so don't get all worked up! Just start packing your stuff, I can't wait till I leave." I say then pouting. "You don't like us Akko?" asked Lotte. "That's not it! I can't wait because I don't have to be Sucy's Experiment rat!" "I'm Sad cause I won't have anyone to test my experiments on!" Sucy says sadly. After I finished packing my stuff, I put on my Pjs and went to bed.
~The Next Day~
I slowly opened my eyes only to see myself soaking wet. I then yelled the name of the person that I knew could've done this. "SUCY!!" I yelled. "What?" She asked. "I know you poured water all over me! What gives?!" I screamed angrily. "You always say to wake you up, so I did what I had to do." Sucy said while snickering. "Ughhh." I said while walking to the washroom with my clothes to change. I walked out of the washroom to see Sucy holding a potion in her hands. "Drink this!" Sucy says randomly. "No!" I say while shaking my head No. "Please just before you leave?" "F-Fine!" I say while stuttering. I took the potion and drank from it, at first nothing happened, then moments later, I grew bunny ears. "Not this again..." I mumbled. "So that's what it does.." Sucy says while writing what she observed down. "Where's Lotte anyways?" I asked. "She left early." Sucy says still writing notes down. "That's weird." I thought. I grabbed all the things I packed and asked, "How long will this last?" "Don't worry i'll wear of at about midnight." Sucy says while putting her notes away. "Let's go now I guess." I say in an unsure way. Sucy then grabbed her stuff and we both walked out of our dorm room. We made our way to the Auditorium to see that the students from Appleton had already arrived. Some girls were fangirling, some were giggling, and some were nervous. "Omg! I see the handsome Andrew over there!" A girl yelled. "He's so handsome!" Another girl yelled. I looked at Andrew only to see him looking back at me smirking. I immediately turned away trying to hide my blushing face. I blended in with the crowd, slowly moving away from Sucy. I continued walking around when suddenly, two headmasters came out of the darkness. "Students of Luna Nova and Appleton, we are gathered here today to finally meet up with our chosen partners." "Chosen partners?!?" The girls yelled. "Yes, the boys from Appleton has gotten to chose one partner to live with for a month." "Way to state the obvious...." I mumbled. "Let us begin, Diana, you will be with Drake. Take your things and come upstage." The headmasters continued reading out the names, then what seemed like forever, the our headmaster said, "Akko, you will be with Andrew. Take your things and come upstage." The girls that were left then sighed and yelled. I grabbed my stuff and made my way onto the stage, I then stood beside Andrew and asked in a surprisingly way, " Why'd you choose me?!?" "You're the only woman that I actually know here." He says still looking forward. After all the names were called up, we were handed our schedule and room keys. I stood there motionless while waiting for Andrew, "Hello? Akko?" Andrew said questionably. "What?" "Aren't you going to lead us to our room? This is YOUR school after all." "Y-yea, follow m-me" I say while stuttering. We made our way to our room and opened the door. We both walked in and settled our stuff down, I was about to open my bag when suddenly another announcement came up. "Students, I hope you have settled well in your rooms. We decided to give you people a break and if you want you can ujust go on your brooms for a joyride outside!" "Can you ride your broom?" Andrew asked. "Of course! Remember a believing heart is your magic." I say while smiling.

That's all for this Chapter! I've been really enjoying making this! I hope you like it! Toodles~!

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