(The Party) part 3

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Last Time at (The Party) Part 2:
"So another cupid bee?" Diana asked. "Yes, so we need you for a spell to undo the bee's spell." I told her. "Fine by me." She answered. "Follow me." I say forgetting all about Akko.
🙂Back to da story line🙂
I then lead her to back to Sucy, "Hey Diana." Sucy said with no emotion. "Let's finish this as swiftly as possible." Diana commented. "Right." I responded. "Anyways here's the spell, it needs two witches to work." Sucy said. "I see.." Diana said while reading the page of the book. "Okay let's do this!" Akko yelled in excitement. Sucy and Diana then took out their wands and whispered some sort of peom. "Undo the spell has been forgotten. Reverse the curse that is now rotten!" They both said as they yelled the last part. They then intertwined their glowing wands, suddenly the dim glow enlightened and lit the whole mansion which caused everyone that got stung faint and fall onto the cold hard floor. "Akko!" I yelled. "Ughhh.... What happened??" Akko mumbled while trying to stand up. "Wait, you don't remember anything? You got stung by the cupid bee, you fell in love with me." I say confused. I then turned around to Sucy and asked, "Why doesn't she remember what happened? I remembered everything when I got stung.... Vividly." I say in confusion. "It says here that using this spell causes side effects to people that has been affected by it. Like fainting, amnesia, and dizziness for an hour." Sucy read out loud.
Frank POV
"LOTTE!" I yelled as I ran up to her. I then picked her up bridal style and immediately looked for Andrew. As I scanned through the area, I finally found the green eyed man talking to Sucy. "Andrew!" I yelled worriedly.
Andrew POV
"Yes?" I said calmly. "Lotte fainted after the bright light showed up and disappeared!" Frank says with tears in his eyes. "What the hell is happening Andrew?!" Frank yelled freaking out. "Calm down, I'll explain it to you. I'll lead you to the infirmary so you could lay Lotte down there." Diana suggested.  Frank nodded sadly with tears now rolling down his eyes. They both then walked away till they disappeared from view. "Akko! Are you Okay?" I asked worriedly. "Who are you?" Akko asked. I turned around to Sucy with anger in my eyes only to see her grinning. "Hehe." She snickered. "Where am I, Sucy where are we? And who's this dude?" She asked while pointing at me. "It's a lot to explain. You'll soon figure out in about an hour." Sucy said while holding back her laughter. "Oh, I should head back home. To get ready for tomorrow and stuff." Akko said. "Seriously... She remembers the date but not me..." I thought to myself. "What?" Sucy asked. "Oh I met a guy yesterday at the mall with.. Uhhh...." Akko said unsurely. "With Him! I think?" Akko added on while pointing to a random guy that I don't know. Sucy and I looked at her in disappointment and just agreed with her. Suddenly a disturbed mic was then heard blaring in the background. "Huh.." We all coincidentally said at the same time. "Guests, I'd like to thank you for coming to this wonderful party that I and my son, have held. The reason for why this party was held because my son, Andrew, will be engaged to a woman today!" The speaker said. I turned around to Akko only to see her with a bright smile. She then turned around to me and said, "Your Andrew right? Congratulations! You must be so happy!" I gave her a fake smile then walked away, "How could she be so bright at a time like this.." I thought to myself. I then got upstage and told everyone my already prepared speech. "Everyone, I am not engaged yet but my father will be choosing from these beautiful young and wealthy women." I say while pointing to a group of girls near the same age as me. "We will now be holding a contest, my father and I will be the judge. These women will be judged by their Intelligence, strengths, wealth, and beauty." I say with no emotions. My father and I then sat down as we examined every single girl.
45 minutes later...
"Andrew and I have made our decisions, for now on Andrew is engaged to lovely miss Marshital, and will be married in.  .  .  .







A month."
I slowly sigh in regret as I walked up to my now fiancé and






We both then looked back to the crowd and waved. We slowly walked down the stage only to be greeted by the sea of guests congratulating us. We slowly separated ways and left the crowd.
I went back to Sucy and Akko only to see Akko smiling but tears rolling down her cheeks. "Sucy, what's happening?" I asked her. "It looks like her memories are slowly coming back, after she heard and saw everything she immediately so-" Sucy was then cut off be a fully recovered Akko. "Andrew..." She says sadly. She then ran off crying out of the mansion, "KAGARI!!" I yelled while following her. I then ran outside only to see her siting down and kneeling on a nearby tree, sobbing. "Akko... Are you okay?" I asked. "No! I'm not Okay! I can't just let my friend live a life that he never wanted!" She screamed at me while grasping and pulling my collar. "Friend...Hearing that felt wrong...." I thought. "Akko... My father already planned my life for me... There's nothing we can do about it.." I say sadly. "That's stupid! There's gotta be a way! I can't let this happen!" Akko yelled while breaking down. "I-I'm leaving... Tell Sucy that she can get the love dust herself..." Akko said sadly while riding away on her broom.
Boom! End of Chapter 4! Lots of twists! Hoped you liked it, toodles~! Gonna edit this soon. Cuz I just quickly typed everything down dat came in my mind,

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