Chapter 2

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Mkay I got bored so even though I didn't get 3 votes here's an extra chappie for you~

The next day Hunk, Shiro and Lance went out to try and claim some more land as 'zombie-free', which Lance thought was stupid because they could just walk over and take the building back, but Shiro being the Dad he was forced them to. They were currently taking on the task of claiming a 4 story apartment building, but were being overrun by a very large hoard of zombies.

The group split up to create smaller, more manageable packs. It was very dangerous to have a large hoard of zombies, as they seemed to posses some telekinetic power that allowed them to become stronger, or more motivated to feast upon human flesh. Lance retreated up the fire escape, firing down at the zombies heads, picking them off one by one. There was only one left when Lance heard a clicking noise come from his handgun, it had run out of ammunition.

Lance backed up quicker, buying him some time to put the empty gun into its holster and reach behind his back, where the handle to a baseball bat should have been, but he was met with empty space, Lance's eyes widened in fear as the zombie came closer and closer to him, Lance unmoving, paralyzed. He awaited the zombie to test at his forehead with its claws, like he had seen happen to Oulas, but the attack never came.

Lance opened his eyes wearily, afraid as to what he would see, now realizing he had fallen trying to retreat, and now lay sitting on the red steps of the fire escape. He looked up, and was greeted by a bloody, decayed hand and a warm, albeit bloody smile. Lance took the zombie boy in; he rocked a a raven colored, shoulder length mullet on pale skin with untidy, mud and blood caked hair with plenty of open, bleeding wounds across not only his face, but his arms as well, which were quite muscular taking into consideration he was, well, dead. It seemed that part of his left arm was gone, as he seemed to be missing part of his lower bicep, not like he was looking at them or anything. He wore a slim-fitting, Black t-shirt that showed off his abs quite nicely, if you were to ask Lance. Lance realized he had been staring at this zombie for a really long time, and came to his senses that this was a zombie, not a nice boy from kindergarten.

Lance shot up and aimed a punch straight at the zombie's decaying jaw, but he dodged it easily. The zombie then grabbed Lance's shirt tightly and held him over the fire escape, and because Lance had been backing up the whole time they were almost at the roof. Lance struggled and looked down, seeing the 4 story drop that would lead to his demise, and Lance frantically thought, oh no oh no oh no oh no he's gonna probably shove him so his head hit the ground first, and then his brains would splatter over the floor, letting him eat them easily no no no I don't wanna die, I DON' T  WANNA DIE! Lance screamed internally. Lance felt a warm, wet sensation on his creeks, telling him he was crying. He frantically clawed at the zombies hands, as seconds turned into almost a minute, the zombie relaxed its shoulders and set Lance back down safely on the fire escape.

Lance took in heavy, gulping breaths as he tried to calm himself down. Then the zombie spoke.

"Sorry about that, the others were watching and-"

"SORRY? SORRY!? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR ALMOST KILLING ME? I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT- that... oh my god you're a zombie and you just talked and you didn't kill me and I'm still alive and... thank you!" Lance said out of breath, a smile creeping it's way only his face. "I guess they aren't all that bad after all," Lance finished, leaning on the old concrete building. "What did you mean by 'the others?'" Lance questioned, his curiously spiking and feeling strangely safe around the zombie.

"Well, if they saw me trying to befriend a human they'd kill me, and then who would be around to help you? Also, I think I'm the only zombie who doesn't want every human dead, so that's a plus," he said cheerfully. "My name's Keith, what's yours?" Keith asked. Lance introduced himself with a little bow, which made Keith laugh. "So, how long have you been going out? Hunting scavenging, etcetera?" Keith asked, and Lance said that he'd been going out since it first started, which Keith replied that his combat skills sure didn't reflect that.

They continues with their casual conversation, and Lance realized that Keith could still pass as alive, if he could hide his arm. It was green, and on the worst part a slightly yellowed bone was clearly visible. Lance suggested that Keith should come and meet his crew; they were nice guys and would be okay with another person as long as they pulled their weight. Keith quickly reminded Lance that he was a zombie, and should really not be around people, but Lance convinced him to stay just the one night. Lance gave Keith his jacket to cover his arm, and they headed back to base.

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