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The sound of someone tapping on your window awoke you with a start, you pushed the curtains open & rubbed your eyes. The panic of someone tapping on your window at night never bothered you anymore because you knew it was Billy since you had become friends he'd always tap on the window when he wanted to go for a drive late at night.
"Billy, I told you I had a test tomorrow." you said through a yawn. When your eyes adjusted you saw the blood on his lip & nose, you shot up instantly.
He smirked at you and said "come on (y/ln) like you care." you rolled your eyes at him to seem like you weren't alarmed but on the inside you were worried about your friend.
"yeah, I'll be right out." you said as you turned to walk to the kitchen, you went to the cupboard & reached up to grab the small first aid kit your mother had packed away. As you walked to the door you grabbed your denim jacket & your bag.
When you left the house you had become very aware of the fact that you left with no pants just your baggy shirt that was basically a small dress, you sighed internally kicking yourself that you had locked the door behind you. Billy turned & began to yell "come on before your parents—" when his eyes landed on you he instantly shut his mouth.
As you jumped into the vehicle you began to say "what's the matter Hargrove? Never seen a chick in her—" you didn't get to finish your sentence before he sped off music blaring as he did.

He stuck a cigarette in his mouth with one hand & lit it holding out the packet to see if you wanted one, you shook your head at the offer & sat back in your chair.
Many times Billy had come to your house late at night with a bloody & bruised face & many times you had treated the wounds but you never got used to it. His hair was a mess & he held his mouth shut so tight that the muscles in his jaw ticked.
When you were far enough away from town you turned down the music. "hey! What the hell" Billy started before you interrupted.
"shut it Hargrove. Pull over." you said slightly annoyed at how fast he drove.
He pulled over & slumped back into his chair, as you reached over to clean the wounds on his face. He pulled back slightly at the touch of the disinfectant wipe but let you proceed.

You were focused on the deep cut on his lip & didn't notice he had turned to look at you, with a longing in his eyes.
When you were done with the cut on his lip & cleaning the blood from under his nose, you moved to clean the cut above his eyebrow. His eyes met yours & began to hold your gaze, your breathing became shaky & you felt slightly self conscious. So you let out a shaky chuckle as you reached up to continue cleaning the small cut "what?" you asked nervously.
Billy's voice took a serious tone that you hadn't heard him use before it was deep & gruff, you'd be lying to yourself if you said it wasn't sexy "I think I'm in love with you." he said. You slowly let your hand drop down as you looked at him in shock.
"you're what?" you asked surprised.
"you heard me." he said eyes trying to hold your gaze.
You looked out the front window of Billy's car at nothing in particular & rubbed your palms on your thighs "I don't think I heard you correctly." you said nervously. You heard him chuckle slightly as he lent over to cup your cheek with one hand & gently make you face him.
When your eyes met, your breath caught in your throat "I'm in love with you." he said again this time the corners of his mouth ticked up in a smirk.
"oh? I could swear I heard you say you thought you were." you said trying to break the moment it didn't work of course because all he did was roll his eyes & inch closer hand still cupping your cheek.
"so you did hear me?" he teased his voice low.
"I may have, maybe I wanted you to say it again." you said voice still shaky.
He made a low noise as his smirk grew, he dipped his head slightly moving so that your lips were only inches away. "I love you (y/n)" with those three words his lips slammed hungrily into your own, you instantly returned the kiss wanting more of Billy. You couldn't help it, the feelings you had long repressed began to surface & the kiss grew into something desperate & primal for the both of you. You didn't even notice he had pulled you onto his lap in the front seat until he bit your lip softly making you moan, that moan brought you both back to reality & you pulled away. Billy was smirking up at you one hand on your hip the other tracing circles on your thigh.
"I knew you loved me." he teased.
You rolled your eyes at him & went to get off him but he held you firmly in place. "god Hargrove, I can't believe you played me light that." you poked his chest hard annoyed that he would toy with you like that.
"I'm not playing babe, I mean it. I just needed to know that you felt the same which..clearly you do." his signature smirk was suddenly annoying you.
"if you play me, Hargrove I will personally kick your arse." you said sternly crossing your arms over your chest.
He raised his eyebrows & sent you a wicked smiled "I don't doubt it." he said as he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, his hand didn't fall but stayed there cupping your cheek once again the hand he had firmly on your waist moved up between your shoulder blades and pushed slightly so your bodies were flush together. He kissed you softly again causing sparks to fly through your body, the kiss was agonisingly slow but you relished in it.

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