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You were walking out of the change rooms with your best friend Billy, you'd both managed to get a summer job at the pool like you'd been talking about all winter. The downside? Billy didn't wear a ever & whilst you had seen guys without shirts before none of them were Billy, something about his half naked body bothered you but you pushed it down just like you did with your feelings for him. Billy is a player so you knew there wasn't a future there for you besides he could have anyone, why would he choose you?
You were walking over to the lookout seats, when Billy chuckled "& show time." He said cockily as he swaggered over to a group of desperate mums in their fourties, you rolled your eyes at the scene every day at midday Billy & you started your shifts & everyday it was the same charade of Billy flirting with them & the lot of them would swoon over him for your entire shift, bunch of hags. You hated them especially Nancy's mum Mrs. Wheeler.
Billy actually liked her & that annoyed you for many reasons namely that she was married with children but also because you were jealous though you'd never admit the last part.
You rolled your eyes as you noticed two kids rough housing each other by the pool, you quickly put your whistle between your lips & blew pushing the whistle from your mouth with the tip of your tongue "Hey! Don't make me come over there! Break it up you little hurts!" You yelled angrily, they giggled as they jumped into the pool.
Billy walked over to you as you both began to walk towards the seats "Mrs. Wheeler brought a new swim suit." He said licking his lips as he grinned.
"I wonder why." You said sarcastically.
Billy chuckled "for me obviously." He said it like he didn't understand the sarcasm.
You climbed the chair next to his & sat down under the umbrella "don't you think it's a little desperate though?" You asked frustrated as you began to rub sunscreen onto you calf "I mean their like what? In their fourties?" you squinted out at the swimmers not noticing how Billy watched your hand stroke up your leg & what it did to his insides, his stomach tied in knots as he watched you.
He cleared his throat "I think it's hot-" he said still watching your moments as you began to rub sunscreen on your collarbones & up your neck, you turned to scoff at him & he blinked hard "being with an older woman, it's hot." He said.
You raised your eyebrows "Yes because I needed clarification of how much of an ass you were." You joked handing him the sunscreen.
He took it & began to apply it to himself, you turned away to busy your eyes with anything other than looking at how the sunscreen made his skin shiny in all the right places.
"Hey!" You yelled blowing your whistle again "don't hold him under!" You yelled at the same two kids from earlier, it appears as if one was trying to drown the other. You didn't blame him though honestly you wouldn't mind  doing the same thing to Mrs. Wheeler who was perfectly doing the backstroke & you hated her for it, she was so graceful.
You scoffed as you looked away, Billy all but flew off of his seat & down to talk to Mrs. Wheeler. You watched as they flirted back & forth thinking about how You & Billy used to be.
When Billy first arrived in Hawkins you had hated him, he was arrogant & annoying, a grade A douche bag but he kept pestering you, he kept pushing your buttons until one day you snapped back & he had laughed right in your face.
"C'mon-" Billy teased "why do you never speak? Cat got your tongue?" He smirked as he kicked the back of your chair. Biting your lip to keep the none-to-pleasant words from spilling out of your mouth you looked at the blackboard trying to concentrate on whatever your history teacher was saying, he kicked your chair again & again & again, each time made your eye twitch with rage. He had been doing this to you for months & you were done with it, he kicked your chair one last time before you stood so fast your chair toppled to the floor, you whirled around & slammed your hands onto his desk & he leaned in with a smile as you glowered down at him.
"You listen here, Billy-" you began, he moved his pencil to the button on your patterned button down shirt & you knocked it out of his hands "I'm sick & tired of you sitting behind me & talking all this crap & kicking my fucking chair-" you hissed.
"Aw & here I was thinking you liked the attention." He said pouting at you before hitting you with a wicked grin that made your knees weak, your classmates began to snicker & giggle at Billy.
"Whatever. Whipe the shit eating grin off your face & drop dead." You said grabbing your books & stomping off down the hall.
You were mad at him for days after that & began to bite back at him the banter became easy & you quickly loved the back & forth with him but what really started your friendship was the day some jokester thought he would be funny & kick the back of your seat to be funny & Billy kicked his ass for it. You knew from that point on you'd be good friends what you didn't expect was to have feelings for him but after getting to know him you couldn't help it, he was smart & kind, he helped you out & had driven you home plenty of times just so you didn't have to walk, he'd bring you presents when you had bad days & take you for long drives when you were upset, the bullying that you were having issues with before he came to town had completely stopped thanks to Billy kicking numerous amounts of ass, he was a catch. The only problem was that he was currently drooling over a much older woman & much like that day you'd had quite enough of Billy Hargrove's shit.
You climbed down from the lifeguards tower & whirled on the pair marching right up to Billy & taking the pair by surprise "you-" you said angrily as you placed your hand on your hip & poked him hard in the chest "need to stop flirting with married women." You frowned up at him as he looked down at you slightly shocked he opened his mouth to protest but you werent done yet, there was no stopping your emotions or your mouth now "all you do is sleep around, it's a new girl every fucking day! so what now that you've whored your way around the entire high school you're going to be a homewrecker?!" You huffed "I can't believe you you're a pig, you're a stupid slutty shithead, Billy Hargrove." You shoved him & that's when he snapped. His face drained from any humour it held & became serious as he grabbed your hands & pulled you close to him "what are you doing?" He hissed.
You scoffed "what am I doing? What are you doing?! Take a look at yourself Billy! Think about the people your hurting-" you wriggle out of his grip, you were of course talking about the families but you also meant yourself, like he'd know that though "fucking moron." You spat as in You shoved past him, you muttered every cuss word that came to mind ad you stomped into the staff locker rooms.
You were muttering to yourself as you were putting clothes in your bag so you could go home, you'd walk of course because you came here in Billy's car, you hadn't noticed Billy had followed you in you figured he'd still be out there flirting with Mrs. Wheeler "fucking Wheeler, I mean what does she have that I don't? Arthritis?" You grumbled pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"& kids-" you heard Billy say, you shot up & stood very still, he'd just heard you compare yourself to Mrs. Wheeler "don't forget kids." He joked.
You didn't say anything you didn't even move, you couldn't you were so embarrassed that he had found out like this, first you blow up at him like some deranged gorilla & then he finds you muttering to yourself in the bathroom about how it's never you he chooses to be with, this is why because your freaking nuts!
You bit your bottom lip & squeezed your eyes closed trying to stop the tears of embarrassment as Billy walked around to stand in front if you, you opened your eyes to see him looking at you with his mouth hanging open.
"You do don't you?" He asked the corners of his mouth ticking up.
"I do what?" You asked confused, had he asked you a question?
"You have feelings for me." He said grinning.
You scoffed "I do not!" You said but not even you believed it your voice was so high pitched it would make dogs bark.
Billy laughed "I knew you did." He shook his head & tool a step back.
"Not all women like you like that Billy, god." You tried to counter with a roll of your eyes but he had figured it out & there was no going back now.
"No, not all women just most of them & you do." He wiped his hand down his face as he laughed "why didn't you tell me!" He asked as he sat on the bench beside you.
"Um because your an asshole?" You said throwing your hands up.
"I am not." He protested but his smile indicated that he knew he was "but seriously Y/L/N you should have said something & I wouldn't have had to waste so much time on these other cows." He said.
Your mouth dropped open & your heart rate picked up "You what?" You asked.
He pulled you down on to his lap something he has done plenty of times before but this time he pushed your long hair over your opposite shoulder & leaned in "I-" he whispered his warm breath fanning over your neck sending shivers down your spine before kissing your neck softly "should-" he whispered again his lips brushing the skin on your collar bone "have been-" he sighed "with you." He placed one last kiss on your shoulder before nipping at the skin there.
You sighed feeling the pit in your stomach grow as you resigned to the fact that once again billy was playing a cruel joke on you "Billy please-" you sucked your bottom lip & bit down holding back a sob "d-don't play with me like that." You shook your head as you went to stand, Billy pulled you back down & moved your chin to face him.
"Hey, I'm serious." He said.
"No you're not." You shook your head "I can't keep being your friend, I can't keep watching you flirt with other girls. I just don't have enough restraint to keep my feelings for you inside anymore. I can't keep this down but I don't want to sit back & watch anymore." You let a single tear fall but Billy caught it.
"I'm serious!" He said laying his forehead on your shoulder "I've always had a thing for you, why do you think I kept pushing you & teasing you? Do you see me driving any chicks home more than once?" You shook your head "no. Do you see me beating anyone up for any chick, other than you?" He asked, you shook your head again "No!" He chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear "the only reason I never made a move was because I thought you weren't interested." He said.
You sobbed but with a smile "you're joking?" You asked, it was his turn to else his head "oh Billy." You sighed as you leant into him.

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