don't touch her.

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You were so sick of Billy Hargrove playing you & every other girl in school. You were done, you'd had genuine feelings & deep conversations with him & yet everytime someone new decides to walk in he was gone again. You stomped your way through the school halls & when you reached your locker you were less than pleased to see Billy leaning against it.
"Hey babe, how's it goin'?" he asked smoothly. You ignored the feelings his voice gave you & opened your locker a little too hard & began shoving your books in. He moved so that he was no longer behind the locker door & was on the otherside of you leaning against the lockers with one arm, the other came up to snake it's way around your waist. "you can't ignore me, babe." he whispered into your ear. You felt nothing but annoyance towards him at that moment & had to suppress the urge to hit him right in his beautiful face instead you settled for a few choice words.
"don't touch me." & with that you shrugged him off & continued your way through the corridors & out to your car. You could hear Billy running after you but you were so upset with him for sleeping around behind your back you couldn't bare to look at him or else the tears that you had been holding back may come out. You slammed your car door & threw your bag into the passenger seat. Billy had caught up to you & was banging on your window.
"I didn't mean it! They didn't mean a damn thing! Please!" he yelled you shook your head as you reversed your car & sped off home. Leaving Billy standing in the car park alone.
When you got home you quickly ran upstairs to get changed, instead of your usual plain denim outfits you decided to go for a very small, very tight red crushed velvet dress & some black biker boots. You ran down the stairs careful not to be caught by your father & ran straight out the front where Steve & Nancy were already waiting in Steve's car.
"Hey guys!" you said once you had jumped in the back.
"hey (y/n) you look...different." Steve said cautious on how he should word his sentence. You gave a tight smile & turned to Nancy.
"so Nance when's the party?" you asked eager to get your mind off Billy.
"we're going to pick up Johnathan & then we'll head over." she said turning in her seat to face you. "are you okay (y/n)?" she asked worry clear on her face.
"I'm fine Nance" you rolled your eyes at her worry "I just want to have a good time & forget that Billy Hargrove even exists." Nancy nodded clearly convinced by your answer & turned back to face the front.
"he's an arse, you can do better." Steve said looking back at you in the review mirror.
You offered him a toothy smile & said "thanks, Harrington." he nodded in response.

The ride to the party was awkward once you had picked up Johnathan, due to the tension between the three so as soon as Steve pulled the car over you jumped out & ran inside towards the music. When you entered the house there was people everywhere dancing & drinking, others making out in dark corners & others laughing with their friends. You couldn't help but feel a knot in your stomach as you scanned the room you knew Billy would be here somewhere & you were going to do everything in your power to avoid him. When you couldn't see him you let out a satisfied breath & turned to see a tall boy starring at you, he was the definition of tall, dark & handsome. Not only that though, he looked exactly like your ticket to forgetting Billy with that thought you flipped your hair over your shoulder & walked over to him being sure to sway your hips a little with each step. He watched you hungrily & took a swig from his beer as you neared.
"Hey there handsome." you said sweetly.
He smiled down at you as you lent against the wall in front of him "Hey yourself sweetheart." he said his voice was deep & he breath smelt of liquor.
"got a spare one of those?" you asked as you pushed off the wall & stood inches away from him.
"in the kitchen." he said nodding down the hall, you smiled at him & tugged his shirt so that he'd follow you.

Little did you know Billy was watching the whole thing from the front door, the emotions stirring in him made him uncomfortable he was heartbroken but decided to follow the anger the boiled inside him, as he began to follow you Steve cut him off "oh hell no, hargrove. How about you leave (y/n) alone from now on? Don't you think you've done enough?" Steve let out a bitter chuckle before continuing "I mean the whole reason she's flirting with that shady guy is so she can get over you. Let her be, man." with that he shook his head & walked back to Nancy who was watching the situation unfold with a frown. Billy didn't even want to hit Steve for what he said he knew it was true, he decided he'd just watch from afar incase anything went wrong.

You were drinking the beer the guy had given you & flirting with him.
"so I haven't seen you around school where you from?" you asked curiously.
"my sister goes there, I'm just passing through visiting my family." he said still clearly checking you out, you couldn't help but wish that it was Billy in front of you. You just wanted Billy to hold you & tell you it was all going to be okay but you knew that couldn't happen not after what he did. The guy in front of you began to speak breaking you out of your reprieve.
"I'm sorry what?" you asked sweetly.
"I said do you want to go outside for a cigarette?" he chuckled.
"oh! Yeah sounds good." you agreed he took your hand in his & began to lead you to the back door. On your way out you spotted Billy who was starring at you intensely from the corner, he was ignoring a girl who was fawning over him. But just like that he was gone & you were outside, the cold nipped at your arms & legs causing you to shiver. As you & the guy who's name you had already forgotten rounded the corner you had realised that you were both alone he lit up the cigarette & took a drag before handing it to you, you happily took it inhaling the smoke & handing it back.
"you cold?" he asked.
"actually yeah I forgot my jacket." you said rubbing your shoulders.
"here." he said as he pulled you close to him, it was in that moment that Billy's face pushed its way inside your head & you realised you didn't want this. You pulled back slightly & quickly apologiesed. As you began to back away, he grabbed your wrist "Hey now, little lady. You can't just tease." he said this time his voice took on an eerie tone & you realised your mistake you panicked & tried to break his grip but to no avail. He twisted your wrist in his hand & backed you up against the side of the house.
"I hate it when girls tease." he said lowly into your ear.
"get off me." you rushed out as you began to panic.
A voice broke the panic & made the man pinning you take a step back "you know what I hate? When guys think they can do whatever they want." Billy said calmly.
"back off, bud." the guy said angrily, of course that only made Billy smile.
"or what?" he challenged running his tongue over his teeth.
"or I'll beat your arse." it was said with such confidence it's too bad that the two other people present didn't believe that. With that Billy rushed forward & punched him in the stomach, making the other guy curl over.
"I don't think I made myself clear." Billy began as he pulled the guys head up by his hair "dont-" he said as he punched him in the stomach again "touch-" he punched him in the nose this time, the guys legs went floppy & he sank a little "my-" Billy said as he lifted him to his feet "-girl." with that he punched him in the face again causing him to fall to the ground.
You rushed over to Billy instantly grabbing his face & checking that he hadn't been hurt, he smirked down at you a grabbed your hands pulling you into his chest. "I'm sorry you know." he said smile dropping as he looked into your eyes. Tears began to swell as you remembered what he had done. You went to look away but he wouldn't let you he cupped your chin with his thumb & bought your gaze to his "I love you & I didn't know how to say it. I got scared & I tried to run. You're my chick, the only girl for me." he said the words so sincere, it made your heart swell. You're eyes trailed to his lips & without a second thought you moved in sinc with each other to bring your lips together.
"I love you too." you whispered between the kiss. He sucked in a shaky breath as he pulled you impossibly close to him, deepening the kiss.

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