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The show had been announced for the 28th of August, 2002. It was an exciting day, the sun was shining the morning before and the band had been practicing for hours to ensure that their very first sold-out show was going to be a success. It was going to be spectacular, Pete had gone out and gotten a brand new bass to play with, and Andy had gotten another tattoo. It was due to be the most amazing show that Fall Out Boy had ever played.

As night fell, ticketholders lined up, and the band excitedly stood in the dressing rooms of the venue while doing their warmups. Pete's excitement was hard to ignore, and even their manager was smiling.

Nobody noticed Patrick in the corner as he tried to warm up his voice, staring at himself in the mirror with a solemn look on his face. Nobody noticed that when he snuck off to the bathroom that his nerves came up through his stomach. The rest of the band was too preoccupied with the fact that they were about to play to their largest crowd ever to notice how their lead singer was feeling.

Maybe if they had paid more attention, Patrick wouldn't have gotten on stage, started the first line, then trailed off into silence. The band played on at first, before realising the words weren't going on with the music. Pete played the start again to try and prompt Patrick to pick back up, but there was no response from the man at the front, who took a long look at the crowd, and promptly passed out right then and there.

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