More than friends(finale)

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Ciel Pov

Today is the day. Today is the day i get up and move on. I can't let something as little as this hold me back from life. Yes, Sebastian helped me through all the rough patches in my life, like my parents death saved me from those horrid men and from death itself. But just like everyone else I have loved including Sebastian left. I can't stay stuck on things like love or else i'll never get anywhere else in life and i'd be dwelling in something that should just be put in the past and stay where it belongs. And beside I am supposed to marry Lady Elizabeth, it would have never worked out. So when I woke up I got dressed as best i could without help and went to my study like I usually would Sebastian or no Sebastian. And act like nothing had happened and well try to forget Sebastian. The only things keeping me from forgetting are my memories and this stupid contract symbol.

Mey-rin Pov

i went to go wake up master Ciel when i didn't see him. I started panicking looking in almost every room until I got to his study and looked in. Ciel was sitting at the desk starting to do the large mound of paperwork that had accumulated to the week he had been in his room not doing it. "Yes Mey-rin what do you need" he said "I-I" I was at a loss for words. "Is something wrong Mey-rin are you sick, hurt or what" he said a little annoyed. "You're out of your room master" I said. "Yes why wouldn't i be" he said. "Well you stayed in your room for the whole week Sebastian has been gone yes you did" I said. "Yes and you're point is" he asked annoyed. "Nothing master I was just never mind" I said. I walked out of is study and sighed. "He's just trying to pretend nothings wrong" I said to myself. He misses Sebastian you can see it in his eyes if only he would tell someone. But he is to proud of himself to do that and he probably doesn't want anyone's pity. I sighed again quietly to myself Sebastian where are you and with that i got up and started doing what i usually have been doing this past week.

Sebastian Pov

Today is the day. Today is the day i'm going back to the Phantomhive manor i'm going to see Ciel i've missed him so much but i'm thinking about ending our relationship because he's supposed to marry Lady Elizabeth and it's weird i'm hundreds of years older than him he's only 13. I know that I love him and that's very rare for a demon to find love especially a human of all species, but he already has his life out for him. There have been some twists and turns but it's mainly stayed on the one road he has set. But i'm still his butler and I have to stick to my duties as a butler and forget about the love we once had. I've been gone for about a week and a couple of days i hope they managed without me for that long i wouldn't be surprised if they burned down the house again. I quietly chuckle to myself and prepare for the long trek back to the manor.

It has been an hour so far of traveling to get back when a thought creeps into my mind. What happened to Ciel though is he okay did he break down or just brush it off like it was nothing. But then why would he call for me? I have so many unanswered questions that i start to fall asleep. When i wake up were getting close to where my stop is and I suddenly start to get really nervous. my palms are starting to sweat and I am starting to panic. Maybe the reason he stopped calling me was because he just didn't care anymore and didn't want to see me anymore or even worse Claude and Aloise got him. Uggg i hate saying those names but what if they did. Just as my mind thought that the whistle blew signaling it was time for me to get off. I grabbed my things and ran as fast as I could to the manor. My muscles started to ache but i didn't care because i had to make sure Ciel was okay. It took about 7 minutes to get there when i did i was so tired and my muscles ached even more now than they did before but I somehow walked up the stairs swung the door open and started to check the rooms Ciel went in most often. First his room then the dining room and the study room. I found him asleep in his chair and a big stack of paper work surprisingly he was almost done with it. I sighed in relief and noticed he had big bags under his eyes and had lost some weight. Did Bardroy not cook for him and then it hit me. Big bags under his eyes and weight loss probably means he was in his room not being able to sleep and refusing to eat. "oh Ciel what am I going to do with you" i said and sighed. I then picked him up and started carrying him up to his room.

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