2 - yoosungie

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after your previous meeting, you had one more to go before you were finally allowed to go home.

the meeting was with someone named jumin han, the director at c&r. the ceo's son.

he was the male version of you, in a way. you two had all the same things. maybe he had the same problem as you? maybe he was secretly depressed as well?

i shouldn't get my hopes up too much, though. he's probably going to act like everyone else, kissing my ass as they mindlessly follow my orders.


your newbie secretary, yoosung kim, read off a small checklist of things on your agenda. most of the items he read off had already been completed. this last meeting was the final check box on your agenda that needed to be checked off.

"miss l/n, w-would you like me to read you your schedule tonight or tomorrow?" yoosung nervously played with the corner of his paper, awaiting your response. 

you gave him a sugar-sweet smile, taking note of his restless expression. "yoosungie, remember. you can just address me as y/n." you ruffled his hair slightly, melting away all his problems.

"y-yes ma'am!"


"yes, y/n!"

"tomorrow, please."

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