5 - drunk

639 11 0

i miss kai..

kai was your adorable black cat that you were obsessed with. he was your only friend besides yoosung, because no one except them speak to you without being fake.

you leaned on the banister of the c&r company's party mansion, crying on the inside.



"dear y/n, how would you like to go to a party?"

your eyes glimmered and your ears perked up like an excited dog.

"i'll let you go to c&r's party. there's free alcohol and an all you can eat buffet!"

you gripped your mother's shoulders, mouth watering, begging her to go on.

"but only on one condition."

you wagged your nonexistent tail, growing impatient.

"you must go as mr. han's partner."

you nodded your head furiously, as the information went right over you head. you rushed upstairs, beginning to pick out your outfit and makeup in your head.

why were parties so exciting? it's because people always show their true emotions when drunk. maybe you could finally find someone who would talk to you without trying to get money, deals, and connections out of you.


(end of flashback)


but in the process, you ended up at a party with jumin han. as his partner. this was just another marriage meeting, but in public with other people.

continuing to lean over the banister, you gulped down your fifth shot.

"ughh, jumin! i miss kai! my poor cat is stuck at home. wahhh!"

jumin sat wide eyed, taking a swig of his wine.
cat.. i miss elizabeth the third as well.

he patted your back, touching your bare skin. you were wearing a tight black dress with the back cut out, perfectly crafted by your mother. you shivered, despite being quite warm from the alcohol.

you turned around and looked at him with sad eyes. "jumin.. are you only here with me because i have a rich family? do you even want to be my friend?"


you cut him off by slinging your arms around his shoulders and tucking your lips against his neck.

he stiffened at the feeling of your breath against his neck. no girl had ever gotten drunk around him, as they feared that their facade would wear off after a few drinks, so y/n doing this was definitely a first. he knew that he couldn't bring you to your house, as he didn't know how your mother would feel about him carrying you home absolutely wasted.

he pursed his lips, and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"y/n, lift up your legs." you mumbled into his neck as he swallowed harshly. you allowed him to lift you up into his arms.

he shifted your weight into his left side as he called driver kim.

"i'll be out with miss l/n, prepare the car."

"yes sir."

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