4 - party

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"what did you think of mr. han?" your mother grinned ear to ear, wiggling her eyebrows. "dream boy, am i right?"

you cringed slightly, but giggled. "sure, he was attractive, but he was like every other business man i've met with. well, except for the fact that yoosung was scared of him."

your mother raised an eyebrow, interested. "yoosung is like a puppy. he's a really good judge of character. what did he say?"

"he said that he was scared that jumin was going to take me from him" you chuckled softly, dismissing the idea. "but that could never happen."

your mother had a thoughtful and creepy look on her face, a look she gives only when she's planning one of her evil plans again. 

"y/n dear, what do you think about going to a party?"

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