3 - mr. han

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"y/n, jumin han will be here in five minutes! what in the world are you wearing?" 
your mother frantically patted you down, staring down each piece of clothing that hung on your body.

you wore a simple white button up shirt and a simple black pencil skirt. 

"what? is something wrong with my outfit?" you blankly looked at her as she held up a shorter skirt. "it's not like i'm trying to win his affection or anything, we're just doing business."

your gorgeous mother began buttoning down the top two buttons on your chest, then yanked your skirt off of you to then put a shorter one on you. "how do you think i met your father, y/n?"

you snickered as yoosung blushed furiously in the corner, not meaning to see the part where your mother dropped your pants.


jumin sat across the table, just like the last guy. His dull gray eyes scanned over the contract you had passed his way. you looked down at your skirt, bored. you brushed off a few cat hairs that littered the bottom of it.

"kai... damn cat."

jumin's eyes flickered over to you as he peered above the contract paper. his ears had perked up at the use of a certain word.
she owns a cat...

you raised an eyebrow in jumin's direction. he seemed... amused? his eyes weren't as dull as they seemed in the beginning of the meeting.

yoosung looked at jumin as well, slightly intimidated. he seems like a predator.
yoosung leaned into your side and gripped your hand tightly.


the meeting ended successfully. mr. han had signed the contract, and yoosung finally calmed down once jumin left.

you rubbed yoosung's back. "why were you so scared in the meeting?"

"jumin is scary. he wants to take you away from me." he pouted.

you blinked at him and pulled him into a hug. so precious.

"don't worry, i'm not going anywhere."

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