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Kyungsoon did not get why she was busy staring at the ceiling with empty thoughts surrounding her mind. It seemed to had misfunction and couldn't release information for her. At the time of two o'clock at a saturday morning, it was obvious that her brain was tired from the whole damn week of school.

Kyungsoon was tired.

If her mind was tired, she herself was practically at the edge of the rope of her strength, holding loosely to it as if she did not care if she would lose grip and fall. Falling was a good option as well, since it was a rest day. She could had sleep early, but instead, she had chosen to sink herself with the problems surrounding her. Unfortunately, again.


Jisung said something about time.

That was fine for Kyungsoon. The thought of giving the cat boy time for his thoughts to be release was fine to her but... it was not enough. Kyungsoon thought it was a messy decision for her to choose. There was this side of her brain that was softly whispering things she couldn't understand.

She thinks, trying to signal her brain to work. Even if it would just be for a few minutes. Kyungsoon was contented if she let herself be enlightened by a single piece of information. She wanted to drift away to dreamland with atleast a small part of her brain peaceful and clear.

She felt drowsy after a minute of thinking. She was trying too much to let her eyes stay open and keep sight of the plain ceiling. Kyungsoon wanted to rest, she wanted to sleep, and as time passes by, the weight on her lids kept on getting heavier. As if she was running out of time.

Running out of time.

She blinked two times, sending the sleepy thought away for a moment before coming to an agreeable realization for her mind and to herself.

Her mind was telling her that time was running out. That it was slowly (or drastically) ticking away. That was surely it, she was completely sure that was the thing her subconscious was trying to tell her.

But... if time was really running out, what does it have to do anything with Kyungsoon giving the boy some time?

Kyungsoon knew she wouldn't be able to force herself to think about. Her lids were getting too heavy for her to keep it open, so she decided to finally close it and came to a decision to worry about those things later on.

"Did you finally came up with a decision?" Kyungsoon was greeted by the same man she met the past days. Kyungsoon came to wonder why the man would be doing grocery at 10 o'clock in the morning. It also suprised her how the man had recognise her when Kyungsoon couldn't even remember his face.

"Uh, yeah." She rubbed her left arm out of the habit. "I'm kind of busy with my studies right now since I'm on my last year of highschool."

The man smiled, a very soft expression could be seen from his face. Kyungsoon admitted that the man was very good looking. "Sorry."

"It's all right. I'm not forcing you to apply, anyway. Concentrate on your studies for now." He said. They talked for a while before the man bid goodbye to her.

Are you ignoring me?

huh? What are you talking about?

well, i thought you were ignoring me.
Since you don't chat a lot.

i'm not ignoring you.


Hey kyungsoon.


I just realized something.


I feel like our conversations
nowadays are becoming bland
and... empty.

Wait! What i mean by empty is
that we don't have those hyper
and childish convos.

I noticed that too.

And i feel like it's my fault.


how come?

It's like I'm drowning you
with my dramas and problems.

I'm surrounded with drama
all my life so there's nothing for
you to be worry about.

I'm not much of a talker, and
i can't handle and manage happy
go lucky conversations. I'm boring, dude.

I don't think so.

It feels nice when I talk to you. I feel
comfortable. You're funny, i guess. You
Always make me laugh before. I don't mind
you not being much of a talker. I can handle that.
I can do all the talk while you listen to me. I find
it comforting with you being a listener.

that sounds... overwhelming. Thanks.

thank you for always listening, 'soon.

Kyungsoon froze. There was this weird feeling that she felt when she read the boy's reply. Kyungsoon sweared she found it quite weird. Especially when her cheeks felt warm, and her mind was unable to process anything. She also felt a weird thump in her chest.

What the heck.

Did bottle's heart went doki-doki? ;)

I hope your face falls over
your cats' litter box, you fool.

Nevertheless, she somehow agreed to him.

water bottle | Kang Daniel [hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now