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Once Rufus and I returned to the general manager's office, Julian had settled down behind the flashiest desk across the door. He looked up when we entered. His eyes briefly met mine and his smug demeanor a few minutes ago was gone.

"Mr. Hawksley," Rufus called as he closed the door behind us. "I got Ms. Curtis back. Would that be enough?" He asked.

His question confused me until Julian peered back at me. He suddenly looked passive. "Ms. Curtis, I apologize for my rude comment and behavior. I didn't mean to sound unprofessional." He sounded a bit forced. When I glimpsed briefly at Rufus, his icy gaze and arched eyebrow spoke volume.

For a moment, I want to laugh at the reverse role between the two. But seeing how easily Julian bend at Rufus heeds, it showed how Rufus meant to him. He wasn't just his secretary, from what I understood, he was like an older brother or teacher to him – maybe even a father figure. It explained Rufus' praise.

"Ms. Curtis, please take a seat. We've like to talk to you about the matters of your job. Have you already read the papers that I had Sarah give you?" Rufus inquired and escorted me back to the conference table where I last sat.

"I briefly read through it..." I admitted.

"Do you have any questions?" Rufus asked as we both sat down.

"I think I understood why you're making me sign these papers, but is it really necessary?" I sheepishly asked. From how I sounded, it seemed like my confidence had left the building.

"It's not like we don't trust you, Ms. Curtis. But Mr. Hawksley's family had been under the tabloid's radar. We can't let anything leak about their personal lives, especially the matters of the work you'll be handling for him after your training."

"I understand." I nodded, looking serious again. Since they've actually made a point of having someone sign these papers before they are trained seems like they've already dealt with such a situation. Maybe someone who used to be in my position had done something to make them this cautious. However, I didn't have the guts to ask, for now.

"Thank you." Rufus smiled and handed over the folder back to me.

I pulled out a pen and briefly rechecked the paper again before signing on the last page. Once I was done, I let out a deep sigh and handed him back the folder.

"You don't have to look so glum, Ms. Curtis. You're not signing a devil's contract. I'm sure you'll never see it again after today if you haven't broken any statement stated here." He jested lightly.

"I should have read the paper more thoroughly then." I teasingly commented. "May I ask what my job specifically would be? I presume from what you've said, I'm not doing a standard secretarial job." I asked, getting back to business.

"Yes. You'll be dealing with Mr. Hawksley's personal schedule and keep him out of trouble," he informed with a light chuckle.

"And what would those be?"

Rufus got his briefcase beside him, which I faintly noticed he carried as he entered the office, and pulled out another folder before he placed the other one I've signed inside. As he handed it to me, he explained in glorious detail what my training would in case. I wasn't sure I catch every word he said but I've got the gist of it. For a brief moment, I was thinking of getting out of that room again, saying the same words. But then, Rufus spoke the words which made me stay in my seat.

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