I landed at the bottom of the pit. Betilla landed on top of me and quickly stood up.
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(i drew that)
(sort of)
"This is the Land of the Livid Dead." said Betilla.
"Spoopy." I said.
"Lets go through this door and see what wonders await us."
"Sounds good."
SO we went through the door.
there was a giant ugly fat pink monster thingy.
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"go punch out its eyes, rayman!" said Betilla. "Why me? you can fly!"
"Oh yeah okay we'll do it together."
So I climbed up the monster's gross pink hairy arm while Betilla flew up to its face effortlessly.
"HEEEELLLLOOOOO THERE!" she yelled. The pink monster thing shrieked and started flailing around everywhere.
"Are you trying to get me killed?!" I yelled as I was yanked around on the world's ugliest arm.
"UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH why did i do that" yelled Betilla.
She zipped over to me and grabbed me.
"What the frick are you doing" I asked.
"KAME HAME HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" she yelled and chucked me that its face.
"EWEWEWEWEWEWEWWWW!!!!!" i screamed. I landed in one of the giant, gross (and probably infected) eyes. I scrambled out and the eye fell off. I really wanted to throw up but if i did that I would lose any dignity I had left to Betilla. Which probably wasn't a lot.
Betilla flew up to the head.
"Why arent you punching out the eyes?" she asked.
"Because one, theyre disgusting, and two, eyes arent vital organs!" I said over the shrieks of agony coming from the monster. "Also thats cruel!"
"FINE THEN!" Betilla flew into the air and cast a giant spell that burnt the monster into a crisp. Unfortunately, I was on the monster as it crumbled into ashes. And fell into the lava.
"CRAP!!" yelled Betilla and flew over to me and whacked my really hard in the back.
"OW" I fell on a conveniently placed rock. Betilla used the last bit of her energy to fly to the rock.
"guuuuhhhhhh nnnn zzzee drrrrrrrr..." she said pointing at something. I looked around. There was another door. Then she passed out. Again.