Seven - Memories

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I sat in the cafe, opportunity the doctor who had a small, but noticeable smile on his face.

"Thank you Y/N. It's nice to have a... distraction from everything." I smiled at him slightly and sipped my tea/coffee.

"Your welcome John. It's nice to have some company." He took some of his drink.

"Tell me something, about Jim." I looked at him in genuine surprise.
"Uhh, my therapist... she said it's best to talk about people you've lost. Remember the good things."

"Oh, well Jim." I laughed slightly.
"He was an arrogant bastard, an absolute twat. But there was a side of him that was kind, caring and gorgeous. He had such a brilliant mind and everything about him was perfect." John smiled at me slightly.
"Honestly he thought he was king of the world, but every king has to fall." I mumbled the last part, wiping away a tear that I added for effect.

"Wow, he sounds quite a lot like Sherlock." John suddenly frowned and I held his hand from across the table.
On my finger was my mother's wedding ring, I decided it was a good idea to wear it if I was acting like a mourning widow. Yet, around my neck I wore the bullet, that he had bought me, on a chain.
John looked at his watch and his eyes widened in surprise.

"You ok?" I asked and he nodded his head after finishing his drink.

"I have to go, but can we meet up again? It's good to have a friend who knows what I'm going through." I nodded my head and he got up and left.
I looked at my drink and sighed.

**F L A S H B A C K**

"Let's go out for a bit." Jim stated with a small smile, his Irish accent thick as usual.
"All this planing is turning me crazy!" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, King Moriarty! Where do you suppose we go on this fine day?" I said with a grin and he just smirked at me.

"Well, Queen L/N, I have a surprise planned out! But we are only going if you put on a dress!" He played along and my grin turned into a glare.

"Never. I told you, I don't wear dresses. They're so girly and... ew." He laughed at my disgust.

"Just this once? Please?" He pouted and I found it hard to resist.

"I hate you so much." He jumped up in the air like a child and grinned at me.
"Don't expect me to wear heals with it." I mumbled and he laughed even more.

~Le Skip~

I burst out laughing and Jim looked at me in pure confusion.

"Wha- Y/N? What are you laughing at?" He looked a mixture of offended, confused and annoyed.

"You-" I managed to stop laughing and take a breath.
"You made me wear a dress, get in your helicopter and fly across the country for a... picnic?"

"Well when you say it like that it sounds stupid." He said quietly and I rolled my eyes.

"You're adorable, you know that right?" It was his turn to roll his eyes as we moved towards the, highly stereotypical, red and white checked blanket that was laid on the ground.
His face began to turn red and I looked between the blanket and Jim.
"Umm, no offence... but where's the food?"

"I may have forgotten it." He said with a sigh and I began to laugh again.
His face suddenly lit up like a kitten seeing a Christmas tree for the first time.
"I have a better idea anyway!"


"I can't believe we just-" I looked between Jim and the food in my lap.
"We just robbed McDonalds."
Jim nodded.

"Poor creatures, they looked so confused and scared when we pointed guns at them and told them to give us everything but the money." I nodded my head and looked over at Jim.
I began to laugh and it felt like I couldn't stop.

"I love you, James Moriarty." I kissed his cheek and he began to blush.

"I love you too, Y/N L/N." He kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back.
He was so evil, yet so perfect.

**E N D**

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