Thirteen - Desparation and Nightmares

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Sherlock's P.O.V

John decided it would be best to take Mary home and soon after Y/N passed out on the sofa.
The kiss before was like an experiment.
I wanted to see if she held any specific emotion towards me; love, hate, anger. That sort of thing.
But when I kissed her, I saw desperation and regret in her eyes. Her irises barely changed, but her eyes held so much emotion, it was almost painful to look into them.
I looked up from my book to see her in a rather uncomfortable position.

"You're an idiot." I said to her, ignoring the fact she was asleep.
She would complain about being sore in the morning...
I put my book down and walked over to the sofa, picking her up and carrying her to my room.
I carefully put her down on the bed and covered her over.
Before I could leave, she grabbed my hand making me freeze up.

"Jim..." She whispered and I remember how John was telling me about how she supposedly lost her husband on the same day I faked my death. But that couldn't have been real... that was just a cover, right?
But she said 'Jim'. Possibly Moriarty? Could that be the connection?
I destroyed all of his connections worldwide.
"Please... no." She whispered again.
"Don't die. Don't die! Don't DIE!" She shouted and I panicked.

"Shh, Y/N." I whispered.
Mrs. Hudson would not take kindly to being woken up this late at night, or should I say early in the morning?
The girl continued to cry and whimper, but no more shouting.
"Shh, it's ok. I'm here." I whispered and sat down on the bed as she sat up.
Her eyes opened and she looked at me in surprise.

"Sorry." She said quietly and I looked at her in slight surprise.

"It's... fine." I replied and she began to get out of the bed, but I put my hand on her arm.

"Where are you going?" She looked at me calmly before pushing me away.
She left the room, where I took a second to think.
Did I offend her somehow?


The nightmare was clear as day, running through my head, over and over like a broken record.
It was Jim, but this time I was holding the gun. I shot him. Once the bullet hit, it was like a wave of realisation hit me as I rushed over to him and tried to stop the bleeding.

"-N? Y/N can you hear me?" My eyes shot open and John was knelt in front of me.

"Yes?" I replied calmly and he visibly relaxed.

"Are you ok? According to Sherlock you've been unresponsive for..." John began and the curly haired detective walked in.

"23 hours, 45 minutes and 12 seconds." He stated and I stood up from the sofa.
"That's actually rather impressive and-"

"Concerning." John finished.
"How long have you been blacking out like this?" I shrugged my shoulders and yawned.

"That's cute by the way." I said and John sent me a confused glare.

"What is?" They asked in unison and I couldn't hide my smirk.

"Finishing each other's sentences and speaking in unison. You'd make an adorable couple." John's face twisted in a mixture of anger and guess what? More confusion.

"We're not together and I'm not gay!" He shouted and once again I shrugged, turning to Sherlock.

"He's in denial." I said calmly, causing Sherlock to smirk and John to erupt in a fit of anger.
My phone rang and I answered it, not checking the caller ID whilst I made myself some tea/coffee.

"Hello?" I asked, pouring the water into my cup.

"Hello~ Miss me?" My jaw dropped and everything went numb as soon as I heard his Irish accent.

"Jim." I whispered into the phone, just as John walked in. He looked at me suspiciously and I shot him a small smile.

"You're not at your house." He said in a pouty voice and I felt my eyes fill up with tears.

"N-No. I'm at Baker Street." I said and John looked at me in a concerned manner.

"I know. I have a plan but you're just going to have to wait a little longer. Whatever happens, play along and make it believable, this has to be the performance of a lifetime!" I couldn't help but smile a little bit.

"Ok, though I'm getting fed up of waiting on you." I sarcastically commented, mainly due to surprise, but it made him laugh.

"I love you." And the line went dead. I put my phone away and took a few deep breaths, trying not to explode with excitement.

"Umm, Y/N?" John asked, a look of concern on his face.
"First you're unresponsive for 24 hours, then not even 5 minutes later, you're jumping around the kitchen! It's 3 in the morning for Christ's sake!" I looked at him and calmed down.

"Ha- um, sorry?" I'm not good at apologies, and practicing them isn't really my thing.
John sighed and I turned away from him, making my drink.
"A very close friend of mine..." I began making up a cover story.
"She's pregnant."

"And she decided to call you at 3 o'clock in the morning?" John asked with doubt and I did a double take.
How did Jim even know I was awake? Or at Baker Street?

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