Eleven - Surprise Texts and Calls

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I know I kinda stole the text message but don't kill meh


Sherlock Holmes is...
A dick.
I've met many idiotic, suicidal, psychopathic, egotistical, sociopathic, people, but he is simply the biggest self-absorbed Bastard I've ever met.
So of course I had to do something about it.

"Y/N! Your job is to protect him not hit him!" John shouted at me for what felt like, and probably was, the hundredth time.

"Protect?" I scoffed.
"Babysit. There's a difference." John rolled his eyes and I looked at Sherlock with a smirk.
"How is your eye? Fitting in well with the other bruises?" He glared at me and John sighed.

"You were unusually calm." Sherlock stated, seemingly not bothered by his black eye.
"Yet as soon as we left you punched me."

"Wow, you really are an amazing detective." I mumbled, pulling out my phone.
"This isn't in my usual line of work and I needed to... punch someone. Anyway, I'm going home. Baby bro should go to bed whilst I text big brother." I smirked at Sherlock who looked less than impressed.

Sherlock's P.O.V

She left.
She's... unusually talented, surprisingly smart and unbelievably strong. I know she's lying about something, that's definite, but I can't figure out what.
My phone buzzed from across the room and John sighed before picking it up and attempting to hand it to me. I ignored him causing him to groan.

"Come on Sherlock, it's a text from a private number. That's got to catch your interest." I raised my eyebrow and smirked at him slightly.

"Read it out." I demanded and he looked at me expectantly.

"Really?" He asked with more surprise than I expected.

"My eye is sore." I decided, making up a quick excuse so I didn't have to pay too much attention. John sighed again.

"Blood is red,
Bruises are blue,
Dear Mr. Holmes
What happened to you...
Deserting you friends,
And taking your life,
You've made quite a mess,
And caused lots of strife.
And your little friend John,
What about him?
Without you
He looked quite grim.
So think very hard
Now you've returned
Not everyone can handle this kind of burn.
Dear Mr. Holmes,
Does my name ring a bell?
That day you faked your death,
I faked mine as well..." John's hand covered his mouth and he dropped the phone from shock as anger surged through me.

"James Moriarty." I hissed and he nodded his head.


I sent the text a few minutes ago so they should have read it by now.
My phone rang and I looked at it seeing 'John Watson' pop up. I ignored it, probably him apologising for constantly shouting at me or warning me about the text.
My phone began to ring again, this time it was Mycroft. I reluctantly answered with a sigh.

"Mr. Holmes, for what do I owe the pleasure?" Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

"Miss Ashworth. Where are you?" He snapped at me and my eyes widened.
"You are supposed to be protecting my brother, yet my intel shows you leaving his flat!"

"Of course, I have other business to attend to and a bed to sleep in." I kept my voice calm and he sighed.

"Not anymore Miss Ashworth. Get back to 221B. There has been a threat sent towards my brother and I expect you to be around him at all times." I wouldn't exactly call the text a threat... unless there's something else.

"Alright, I'll be there in the morning." I groaned, feeling like a teenager who was getting told off by her parents.

"No! You will be there within the next hour!" Wow... Ok chill.

"Ugh... Fine." I hung up and stood up. Mycroft Holmes couldn't touch me even if he tried, but it's not worth wasting this opportunity. Not when I can play with the Holmes boys, making them dance.
"Mike!" The butler/driver appeared instantly as if he was hovering outside the door.

"What can I do for you Y/N?" He asked politely. It still surprises me how people can be genuinely nice, then again, I don't know another person who gets paid exactly £10,000 a week.

"I'm going to be staying away for a while. Keep everything in check and give yourself a break." He smiled at me slightly.

"You're going soft." Mike chuckled and I glared at him.

"Say that again and I'll strangle you. Shoot your wife and cut your kids." I half joked and he held his hands up in defence.

"Alright I won't! But only cut my kids?" He joked and I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me.

"You know me, couldn't kill a kid if I tried." He just chuckled and left the room and I sighed, getting ready.

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