Chapter 1

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A happy, married couple arrived at their new home. They took in the flood of memories of the place as they make their way up the front porch.

The door creaked when it opened. Inside it was all of the furniture from the previous owner, with white sheets draped over them.

"Jungkook, go open the windows," one of the men says. While Jungkook went to open the thick curtains, his husband walks around with a newborn baby in his arms. He hums with delight when more light is in the room.

"We'll move some unneeded furniture out and tidy some things up then we'll be set to go," Jungkook dusts his hands off.

"It's been a while since we were in Akiyona," the husband says quietly with solemn. Jungkook reacts and hugs him from behind.

"Don't think so much about it. There was nothing we could do. We have to go on, Hoseok."

The man, Hoseok, turns to kiss Jungkook, "I know..."

Jungkook smiles at their baby. "We'll live happily with little Jin here."

Hoseok rocks his baby back and forth gently, "Yes, I'm sure baby Jin would love it here."

Jin, only a month and a half old, coos adorably and Hoseok takes him to a bedroom. He cleaned up the bed before setting the baby down when Jungkook yells to Hoseok to help him with something in the kitchen.

"Coming!" he takes one last look at his baby, making sure that he'd be alright, before leaving.

Jin is fussy and he keeps wriggling. Soon, as more time pass, he nears the edge of the bed.

Then, in seconds, he falls off.

Before he hits the ground, an invisible force lifts him back up softly until he's rested on the bed again.

Hoseok comes back and is relieved when he sees that Jin is still okay. But he feels a strong energy in the room...


"Jin, what are you drawing?" Jungkook asks as he crouched down to peer at his now 3 year old son's work. The drawing shows a little boy, Jin, and a man holding hands with big smiles.

"Wow! Is that you and your daddy?" he smiles but Jin shakes his head. Jungkook points at himself. "Me?"

Again, Jin shakes his head, he points at an empty chair and corrects his father. "Tae!"

Jungkook almosts gasps because it almost sounded like someone he use to know. He stares at the empty chair while Jin continues to draw.

The way the chair is positioned directly facing Jin made Jungkook feel uneasy. He goes and moves it back to the table but Jin throws a fit, saying that Tae can't see him anymore if he moves the chair.

So he moves it back to its place and thinks to himself that it's probably an imaginary friend.


7-year old Jin yells when the string of his kite broke. The kite flies away and he runs after it in hopes of catching it.

Hoseok sees his son from the kitchen and goes out to help him. He looks around and Jin is nowhere, probably in the woods.

When the father finds his son, he's surprised that Jin already has the kite in his hands. But it's so windy. How did he get it? Was it caught in the trees?

"Jin, how did you get your kite back?" Hoseok asks.

Proudly, the boy looks up at one tree. "Taehyung helped me. He climbed up the tree to get my kite," he smiles.

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