Chapter 2

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"Jimin! Don't tell me you're-"

"Yes. Yes, I am going to leave. It's been years since we're like this. I don't like it," the fairy, Jimin, says with a broken voice.

"You yourself know how painful it is."

Taehyung couldn't say anything to counter that because it's true. It's painful knowing that he and Jimin can't be with their loved ones like before.

"How much time do you have left?" the angel asks. Jimin shrugs.

"I don't know."

They both sat in silence. Jimin then asks, "How's Jungkook and Hoseok?"

Taehyung spoke without looking at the fairy, "They're fine."

"Don't tell me you're still planning to get revenge," Jimin groans. "Can't we just leave everything in the past?"

Taehyung whips around. "I can't let someone do this and get away with it. Nothing's going to change my mind."

Jimin sighs. "Oh, Taehyung. You and your stubbornness never change. That's why you're what you are now."

Taehyung looks at his hands. What he is now...

"I miss Namjoon and Yoongi..." Jimin says after a while. "If I hadn't wash their memories of me away, I'd be singing while Yoongi and Namjoon dance." He giggles sadly.

Yes, Jimin made Namjoon and Yoongi forget him, but only his fairy form. The three knew each other even before Jimin turned into a fairy so they'll still remember him as their old friend, a living human.

"I miss Jin," Taehyung says. "I think he's still waiting for me. If there's nothing else, I have to go back to Akiyona."

Jimin goes and sit by the windowsill again. "Jeez, Taehyung. Why do you still want to live in that village, especially with what happened to all of us?"

Taehyung stands up, ready to go home. "I have to take care of some business with Jungkook, Hoseok, and Seokjin."

"You mean Jin?"

Taehyung freezes. Then, he exhales, "Ugh, Jimin, you know what I mean."

When some people die, they will usually reincarnate. But there's exceptions like being a spirit or turning into some part of nature first before being reincarnated. It's strange why things happen that way to random people.

Taehyung and Jimin assume that Seokjin is reincarnated because they don't see him anywhere. But there's Jin, who looks just like Seokjin. They theorized that he's a reborn Seokjin, but they can't confirm that yet.

"If you think you're going to leave, tell me so I know when to come by," the angel says to Jimin before fading into a darkness.

The fairy looks at the moon again, thinking to himself.

People like him can stay here until they want to leave but no one has ever stayed forever so Jimin doesn't know if there really is a time limit. They all assume that there isn't but if there is...

'I really can't be a fairy anymore. Taehyung must hurry too before it's too late.'


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