When she freaks out over everything

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Arjun stared at his wife...his quite angry wife who was on cleanliness mode. She was slamming things picking them from one place to another. Since morning she had changed the sheets of their bedroom 4 times, made Raj have bath twice, arranged their wardrobe, cleaned kitchen's whole crockery and now she was back in their room.

When Arohi's OCD gets ignited that means only one thing that someone has pissed her off and most of the times the culprit is none other than Arjun.

He bit his nails nervously thinking of all the things he must have done wrong. He had been pressurizing his head to know the reason of his wifey's murderous mood. He was sure he wasn't forgetting anything...it was not her birthday or their any anniversary.
Till last night everything was okay. He returned home early. They had nice dinner and after long passionate love making slept in each other's arms. But ever since he had woken up he was getting cold stares from her.

"Arohi sweetheart" he called her cautiously "Did I hurt u last night?"

He saw her cheeks reddening at mention of last night but she immediately controlled herself and looked at him blankly "No"

"Did I say someone wrong?"


Arjun scratched his head "then why are u giving me that look since morning?"

"What look?"

"That I will kill you look. You have that look specifically reserved for me whenever I commit a blunder" he stated.

She continued arranging magazines not sparing him a look "why would I kill u? I don't want to become young widow"

He stared at her for a while as she kept ignoring him and venting out her anger on things. He was sure one or two things will break today.

"Arohi I am sorry!" Not able to take her silent treatment. If he had done something wrong she has full right to scold him and shout at him but her silence is worse than taking 6 bullets at once.

"Why are u sorry?"

Arjun stood up from bed and held his ears "Look I am even doing sit ups. I am really sorry. Really very very sorry!"

"U shouldn't be sorry I should be sorry that I didn't do a background check on u before marrying u" she cried out glancing at him.

Arjun frowned "U already knew I was a criminal. What can be worse than that?"

As she started walking towards with unfathomable expressions, he gulped loud fearing for his life. It was a well known fact that the only person who could incite fear in Arjun Singhania is none other than his own wife Arohi Singhania. He can roar like a lion in front of whole world but in front of his wife he becomes scaredy cat.

"Mera pati Chor h, lafanga h ye pta tha, par ye nhi pta tha" (I knew my husband is a thief, crook but never knew this)

A photograph was stuck close to his face with a demand laced with warning "Explain"

Taking the pic in his hand he looked at it. It was an old pic of his with a cigarette in mouth.

 It was an old pic of his with a cigarette in mouth

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Arjun knew he was gone right in that moment. He was aware of Arohi's intense hate towards smokers. Everytime she sees anyone smoking she goes berserk.

"It's an old pic Jaan" he tried holding her but he slapped his hands away glaring at him.

"Were u a chainsmoker?" She asked in no nonsense tone.

"N..n...Ye" while his head shook in denial.

Arohi stepped an inch closer crossing his arms "yes or no?"

"Yes" he defeatedly replied. There was no point in lying to her.

A frustrated sigh escaped her mouth as she rubbed her forehead.

His head hung low as he braced himself for a lecture on hazards of cigarettes and how much she hates smokers.

"Do you still smoke?"

"No. I swear since our remarriage I haven't even thought about it"

Arohi narrowed her eyes "since remarriage! What about before that?"

He scratch his head and holding her arms forced her to sit on bed. He himself sat on his knees in front of her.

"Arohi it's all in past. I had a tough life but the fact is I haven't touched or even thought about it in past 2 years" he held her hands assuring her "I don't even intend to do it in future. I never want to be the person I was before u came into my life"

Arohi looked at him with pout and then nodded in understanding.
Throwing her arms around his neck she hugged him. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I didn't want to upset you with my sad sob stories" he shrugged "I was a fool. Did couple of worse things, committed lots of mistakes. Not a part of my life I am proud of"

"You know Arjun, DJ once told me- husband and wife are equal recipients of all good and bad deeds done by both of them. So if I am gonna get punished for all bad things you did, I at least should be aware of them" she raised her brows "so technically your sad sob stories are partially mine sad sob stories too"

Arjun sighed "there is no point of revisiting the past. And you know all the grueling details already"

She rolled her eyes "You know I won't stop until you tell me each and everything. So bare both of us from the hardwork. And maybe I will too share some things from my dark past" she wiggled her brows making him laugh.

"Your dark past" he scoffed "it must be you forging your Dad's sign"

"He can't know that" she spoke seriously.

He shook his head and climbed beside her holding her hand in his.

She rested her head on his shoulder "Arjun"


"Were you into drugs too?"

Arjun massaged her thumb not meeting her eyes "let's take it one day at a time"

She jerked away from him "I can't believe this" she shot daggers at him and walked out from room angrily "What the hell I married myself into?"

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