Love is.....

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Traffic in Mumbai was bad and on a rainy day, it was worse. Arohi pressed the horn for nth time as if the long line of cars in front of her will magically disappear if she kept honking. Generally she isn't this annoyed but today her patience was hanging by a thread. She turned off the song playing on radio because it was irritating her but the silence that followed irritated her more so she switched it on back.

Leaning back on her seat with a sigh she watched rain drops racing on her window. She loves rains, always have. But even it couldn't cheer her today. The gloomy grey sky was reflection of her mood. And it was all because her stupid husband decided to fight with her. It's not like they don't fight, they are constantly bickering over almost all things but the fight they had in morning was FIGHT.

With a groan she hit her head on steering wheel. They haven't fought like this in years. There was this sick feeling in pit of her stomach making her so anxious and restless. ARGH. She cursed Arjun under her breath. He is always so understanding and sorted about things when it comes to their work life but today he had to throw this big tantrum. Picking her mobile she called her assistant asking her to cancel all her appointments for the day. There was no point in going to office now. Half the day has already passed and with her mood, she highly doubted she would be getting anything done.

Seeing a cut she took the opportunity and turned her car getting herself out of Traffic. As the car picked peace she could feel herself breathing. At least now there was one less thing annoying her. The pour has increased and like a responsible adult she should be heading back to home. Instead she decided to be not a responsible adult and headed in opposite direction of home. Maybe Arjun would appreciate her getting stuck in rain and not coming home for a day.

A small smile graced her lips as she entered in familiar surroundings. This road led to their college, the place that has umpteenth memories attached to it. She hasn't come this way in a long time. Life got so busy once they graduated. But today felt like a right day to go down the memory day.

There was a small café walking distance away from college. She and Arjun used to visit that café a lot in between their classes and after college hours. It was their place. In fact they had their first date there as well. But more than that, the café was their truce point. Whenever they would get into serious fight, when it would feel like they have hit the end, one of them would find their way here and wait for other to come. The moment the other show up, it would mean even though things weren't ok, they were ok. And it had been their small ritual all through their college life. But she hasn't visited this café in last 4 years because--1. office and home are on other side of city so it is difficult to come here.
2. they haven't fought to the point where things look so bleak.

A full blown grin appeared on her face as café in view. It has been so long she was worries if it still would be there. She sat inside car reminiscing the past memories looking at entrance door of café. Finally making up her mind, she picked the umbrella from backseat and stepped out. Even though she knows Arjun won't be here but this is the right place to clear her mind. Maybe once they sort their issues, she can bring Arjun here again. He would be happy.

Keeping the umbrella in basked outside the door, she entered inside. As it was raining, so there were only few people there and she was thankful for that. The café definitely has undergone changes but it still had that cozy lively vibe. She made her way to the counter to place order. Her eyes automatically travelled to their usual corner where they would spend hours talking to each other. She saddened seeing the place already occupied but her eyes widen as she realized who was the person sitting there. His face was turned away from her as he stared out of the window. As if feeling her gaze on himself, he turned to look in her direction. His facial expressions mimicking hers as he stared her wide eyed.

She composed herself getting aware of her surroundings. Café was comparatively but there were still few peoples who will think of her as crazy if they saw her gawking at Arjun like that. Quickly placing her order she sheepishly made way towards where he was sitting. Suddenly all her ill thoughts were out of the window and the sick feeling in her stomach was replaced by butterflies. They were ok, the constant thought in her mind.

She took seat opposite him whispering a hi. She still felt like she was hallucinating his presence.

"Hi" he whispered back straightening his back. Although, his stance was stiff but she could see his eyes gleaming.

They both sat their awkwardly in silence like two young lovers. She was still anticipating a way to start conversation when he spoke

"you didn't go to office?"

"rain and traffic. What about you?" she asked anyway even though the answer was predictable.

"same" he replied sipping on his coffee.

Silence again fell between them but it was less awkward now. Arohi kept her hand on table hoping that he would catch the hint and he didn't disappoint as he held her fingers with his lightly.

"I am sorry"
"I am sorry"

Both spoke at same time. Arohi bit her lip to stop herself from chuckling at Arjun's cute sorry face.

He sighed tightening his hold at her hand "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that"

"even I was rude" she said in response.

She looked at their intertwined fingers "I didn't mean any of that. I just said in heat of moment"

He nodded "I know. Even I didn't mean any of what I said. I took things out of proportion"

"that you did" she rebuked with a chuckle earning a smile from him too.

"so? We ok?" he asked raising his brow

She tilted her head playfully "only if you buy me food."

Arohi leaned her head on his shoulder as they sat next to each other after having lunch. She felt so full-her heart and stomach both. Lacing her finger with his she looked up at him "I will check with my assistant if we can manage to shift the meeting."

Arjun shook his head "No. Don't. I figured it is not that big of an event as I was making it to be. I will just make an appearance and leave."


"I am sure Arohi" he blinked his eyes in assurance and dropped a soft kiss on her temple "I am so happy to be back here"

"me too" she said with a smile "We should come here often"

He hummed "but without fighting. I hate when to fight with you"

"then you shouldn't fight with me"

He pulled away "excuse me!? You mean I start the fight?"

She looked at him annoyed for removing his shoulder. Hugging his shoulders she pulled him towards her and rested her head at previous place "Truth hurts. Now don't start fight. Let me have few minutes of peace"

She couldn't stop smiling. She was so foolish to worry over nothing in morning. Sometime's all bad things are just in our head and in reality they are nothing. She cuddled into him some more and felt him leaning down. His lips brushed her ears as he whispered "let's go home" his tone suggestive.

She laughed with a blush creeping on her face "yes. Let's go home."

a/n: KMH@is re-airing on Dangal Tv at 9:30 pm everyday. Don't forget to watch it. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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