Chapter 5

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Mark grabbed my hand and tugged but I wouldn’t move. Mags gasped and Pete ran to help. David just stood there, looking stupid. Pete started to change. He was taller and his tan darkened. If I was entirely conscious, I would’ve gasped, but since I was a bit tangled up, Mags filled that role for me. Mark looked at Pete.

“You really shouldn’t have done that man. What are we going to do about Mags and Dave?”

“Just enter their mind, Mark, and I’ll handle Trish.” Pete said.

“NO! I am the stronger one here and I should do this. You get them under control.” Pete looked at me with concern and then turned to fill the task at hand. I was losing conciseness of my surroundings but things I couldn’t understand were flashing in front of my retinas.  There was a woman. She was cold-looking but very beautiful. It showed her as a baby, but she grew up fast and now stood up, a full adult of maybe 23 or so. She looked ageless and powerful. She had white hair and icy blue eyes. They began to melt and turn the color of a sea during a storm. She started to raise her arms, and ice grew up from the ground. She formed them into horses and they charged into a group of buff, tan men, knocking them all over. She laughed and began to form the horses into other shapes. They became sharp swords and started flying through the air, straight at the men. All were killed. Then, out of the ashes, rose a girl…me! I began to spin and chant and a giant dragon of fire flew behind me! I climbed on him and he blew fire, trying to melt the woman! Then, I began to shake violently and I returned to the present. I saw Pete standing there, two feet taller and heaving fire from his hands! The fire had created a chain from his palms to Mags and David! I screamed for him to stop, but he just looked at me and smiled! Mark grabbed me and shook me, hard.

“What the heck just happened Trisha!” he said, looking me in the eyes.

“I don’t really know. There was this woman, who was beautiful but cold looking. I saw when she was born and in seconds she was a grown woman! Then, she raised her hands and ice came out of the ground! She formed them into horses and they knocked over these tan dudes, then they turned into swords, killing the men. Ok and here’s the weird part. I rose out from the ashes and had this huge dragon thing behind me and it blew fire and tried to melt the woman. Then, you started shaking me! Marcus, am I going crazy?” I pleaded with him. Pete turned to me and Mark turned pale. He whispered,

“Do you think she’s the one controlling the army?” Pete nodded.

“She must’ve seen the future.” Mark said,

“Her powers are growing, even with the binding spell. She needs to leave, now.”

“I agree. It’s time to take her to camp.” Pete said. I looked at Marcus, totally confused. He sighed.

“I’ll explain on the way but right now you need to pack. We’re going on a trip.” I smacked him!

“What are you going on about, Mark! I am not going anywhere and I am sick of all this secrecy! Don’t think I can’t hear you when you mutter under your breath! You are a complete lunatic! A trip?! What’s that code for, huh?! I’m going nowhere with you!” I said, and all the anger that I didn’t even know I had begun to spill out. I felt empowered and had the urge to strangle Marcus. He was nice but he always seemed off, and with all that had happened to me since I’d met him, it annoyed me. My vision turned red and flames danced around the corners. My hands suddenly burst into flames and, might I add, they were huge! Marcus’ eyes turned as big as saucers. I probably would’ve freaked out by now, but with all that had happened to me, I was just amused at Mark’s face. Pete yelped and the flames from his hands started to falter. I felt something warm behind me. I didn’t pay it much mind until it growled. I turned and there, standing behind me, was a dragon and somehow, I knew he was mine. I smiled and turned to face Marcus. His hand went to his mouth and I smirked.

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