Is It Love?

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Zoe is sitting in the common area, thinking about her earlier conversation with Craig. Jasmine and another student go to her.

Jasmine: Hey, you OK?

Zoe: Yeah, I'm fine. Just have a bit on my mind, that's all.

Student: What is it?

Jasmine: Do you wanna tell us?

Zoe: Why not? I guess it's easier to talk about things than to bottle it up.

They sit down with her.

Student: OK. What's up?

Zoe: Well... basically..... I met this boy in the park, and... I think I like him. But, you know, I'm not sure I wanna date him. What do you think?

Jasmine: Nah. Don't date in sixth form - it's haram.

There is a brief silence between them.

Student: Forget the 'haram' stuff. I say don't date in sixth form - it's a dumb move.

Jasmine: Yeah, cause let's face it - we're all teenagers, and we're all hormonely high right now.

Student: And plus, we've got other things to focus on, like exams and unis and jobs and things like that. Why add the stress of having a boyfriend?

Zoe: Some people can handle it. I know I could.

Student: But that's the thing. How do you know this boy can also handle having a relationship in Year 12? No offense, yeah, but some boys are just... dumb. Well, not 'dumb', but...

Jasmine: Socially dumb?

Student: I don't know...

Jasmine: But their emotional intelligence isn't at that level. So therefore, they might not be very serious about relationships.

Student: That's it!

The student spuds her.

Zoe: I suppose that's true. But even if I wanted to, the one thing stopping me is this.

She shows them the purity ring.

Jasmine: Who gave that to you?

Zoe: My long distance boyfriend gave this to me at the end of Year 11. He has one too, and we're both meant to wear it until we're both able to be together again.

Jasmine: Which is... how many years?

Zoe: Probably not until we've both graduated from uni.

Jasmine: That seems long.

Student: So wait - if you have a boyfriend, then why do you have your eye on someone else?

Zoe: That's the thing. I don't know what to think.

Student: In that case, let me give you some advice. Just focus on your A Levels for now, and if he really likes you, he'll try to get your attention when you've both left sixth form.

The school bell rings.

Zoe: Erm, thanks. I'll see you around, I guess.

Student: No problem. I have Biology now, but that's my last lesson for today, so if you need me, I'm here.

She gets up to leave, along with Jasmine.

But yeah,  don't worry about boys for now. Just focus on the main goal of your A Levels, and you'll be OK.

They walk off, leaving Zoe at the table.

Jasmine: And if you want a religious reason - it's haram!

Absolutely CANDI: Episode 1/2 - Occurrences (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now