Walking and Talking

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Zoe and Craig are walking to Craig's house through the streets of Islington. They are stopped at an off license. Zoe walks out with a drink in her hand.

Zoe: Sorry. I was really thirsty. I haven't had anything to drink ALL day.

Craig: No need to apologise. I know how that feels.

They begin to walk.

Zoe: So... about your 'hipster' parents... how hipster are they?

Craig: Hipster to the point where you would guess it from miles away. They might scare you, actually.

Zoe: Oh, I'm sure they're nice.

Craig: No, believe me - I do NOT have normal parents. Would you believe me if I said my dad has a tattoo?

Zoe: OK, I think I can guess what they're like.

She takes a sip of her drink.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Craig: I nearly did, but then that happened.

He shows her a cut near his wrist.

Zoe: Ouch! How did that happen?

Craig: Let's just say my dad is only good at getting tattoos, not giving them.

They stop at a crossing. The walking light goes on and they begin to cross.

So what are your parents like?

Zoe: They're alright, I guess. My mum is amazing. She's an ICT teacher at my secondary school. Also, she's part Turkish, but she was born here.

Craig: So that makes you part Turkish?

Zoe: Yes - but you are not to tell anyone. You never know who might be listening.

Craig: Alright, then. I can't think of anyone who would judge. You know Charli's part Indian, right?

Zoe: Really? I thought she was Welsh. How come she's white?

Craig: That's for you to ask her.

Zoe: Are you from anywhere?

Craig: Unfortunately, no. My family's always lived here. I'd love it if I woke up and found out I was from somewhere like Germany, or Holland, or somewhere like that.

Zoe: Imagine you woke up and found out you were from Nigeria.

Craig: No way. I could never handle their jollof rice.

Zoe: You know what jollof rice is?

Craig: You don't?

They both start laughing?

They arrive at Craig's house, which is on the 22nd floor of Cromwell Tower.

Craig opens the door, and Zoe looks around the flat. She is very surprised by what she sees.

Zoe: Did your parents rob a modern art gallery or something?

Craig: (sarcastically) Yeah, they did!

Zoe sees a statue of a face.

Zoe: This especially is very creepy.

Craig: Don't look into it's eyes - you'll never live to see another essay again!

Absolutely CANDI: Episode 1/2 - Occurrences (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now