The Consolation

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Zoe is walking on her way to the tube station when Craig catches up with her on his skateboard. Zoe is wearing pink Beats headphones.

Craig: Zoe!

He pulls up next to her and picks up his skateboard. Zoe takes off her headphones.

Zoe: Craig! Listen... we need to talk. About last night.

Craig: Yeah, I think we do. Where should we go?

Zoe: Maybe a bit further away from the college. After all, anyone could be around here.

Craig: Good point. Shall we go to Camden?

Zoe: Camden seems fine.

They walk into the Tube station together.

Later, Zoe is standing by the bridge of Regent's Canal in Camden Lock. She leans by the railing and looks into the distance at where the canal leads. Craig arrives, and hands her a box of halloumi fries.

Craig: Here. You seemed hungry.

Zoe: Thanks.

Craig leans on the railing with her.

Craig: So last night - when you kissed me... why the change of heart?

Zoe eats one of the chips.

Zoe: Well... it sounds quite stupid now, but... when I was walking to your house... I saw my boyfriend.

Craig: Isn't that a good thing?

Zoe: No.

Craig: Why?

Zoe: Because he... he was cheating on me. With another girl.

Craig gasps, and comforts her.

Craig: I'm so sorry.

Zoe: I was so frustrated. And I kind of feel like I took it out on you.

Craig: You actually scratched my neck with your nails.

Zoe: See?

Craig: So when you got home - what did you do?

Zoe: I just... I was angry with him. Obviously... I cried. I smashed stuff. I swore. I couldn't stand the thought of him.

Craig: Right.

Zoe: But then... I thought - do I really have the right to be mad? If he saw me and you together the other day when we were having Chipotle, he probably would react the same way.

Zoe starts to become tearful.

And that's what makes me feel so bad. I did something horrible... to someone I loved. I flirted with you behind his back. And now I know how horrible it feels. And I'm so, so, so sorry.

She begins to cry now, and she wipes away her tears using her hands.

I'm a horrible person. Why did I accept that ring? Only to go and do this? I don't deserve to be in a relationship. I'm bad at them. That's what I am. Bad.

Craig pulls her into a sympathetic hug.

Craig: Don't cry. Please. If you're bad - then trust me, I'm much worse.

Zoe: What do you mean?

Craig: I guess... I sort of did the same thing. I started to catch feelings for you... meanwhile, Naaniya thought I was her boyfriend.

Zoe: Naaniya?

Craig: The Somalian girl with the hair extensions?

Zoe: Oh.

Craig: If I'm honest - I was quite hard on her. But I was angry. Like you were. And people make bad choices when they're angry.

Zoe pulls away from the hug and eats more of her fries.

Zoe: Sorry, I like to eat when I'm upset.

Craig laughs. He watches as Zoe eats the fries.

Craig: You know what I like about you, Zoe?

Zoe: What?

Craig: The fact that this whole thing made you so upset. If I'm honest, even I'd be mad with you if you said you didn't care that your boyfriend was cheating on you while you were doing the same thing. But I'm not. Because I know you just wanted to do what felt right.

Zoe: But I tried to get you, even though I didn't want a relationship. Don't you see the messed up way my mind works?

Craig: I don't care about that. In fact, I'm kind of grateful you got me when you did. Cos I really don't know what I'd do without you around.

Zoe: What does that mean?

Craig moves to her.

Craig: Put the fries down for a second.

Zoe puts down the fries on the floor. Craig moves closer to her and grabs both her hands.

Zoe. Do you love me?

Zoe hesitates to answer.

Zoe: I don't know.

Craig: You're still thinking about the incident. Don't think about that. Don't focus on him, or anyone for that matter. Just focus on me.

Zoe clears her mind and takes a breath. She moves closer to him.

Do you love me, Zoe?

Zoe smiles, despite her cheeks being stained with tears.

Zoe: Of course I do, Craig. What about you?

Craig smirks.

Craig: What do you think?

Zoe kisses him, lightly on the lips this time. She then hugs him tightly.

Zoe: That was love this time. Not anger.

Craig hugs her back and caresses her hair.

Craig: Zoe, baby...

Zoe looks up at him.

You're acting like no one's ever called you that before.

Zoe: No one has.

Craig: Well, let me be the first. Baby.

Zoe laughs and goes to pick up her fries.

And Zoe?

Zoe turns to him.

Of course I love you.

Zoe blushes and smiles. She then looks at her box of fries.

Zoe: Do you want some? They're really good, these fries.

Craig: I'm fine, thanks.

Zoe: Erm, no! I insist.

She holds out the box.

Craig: Fine - I'll take one.

He tries to take one, but Zoe takes two and stuffs it in his mouth, surprising him. Craig eats them both.

Zoe: There. Don't ever say you're not well fed when you're with me.

She lightly touches his cheek, and they walk off.

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