Chapter 2: The Fear of Love

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2 Part

At the next morning Alex go to wake up April:

-Alex: April wake up, we're late

-April: I'm tired

-Alex: I don't care wake up!!!!

-April: ok only I will take a shower

-Alex: ok, buy quickly!!

When April was taking the shower, she was thinking what will happen in the court when she see Jackson.

April finish her shower she put a black shorts, a pair of white tennis, and a black sport bra.

Then they came to the court and Mark tell to April:

-Mark: Everything will be ok

-April: I will not go

-Mark: you will(charging her)

-April: hahahahaha noo I hate you

-Mark: haha I love you too honey

Then April entered to the fill she put her purse in a shirt and take sit and Jackson appear:

-Jackson: hi April

-April: hi, how are you?

-Jackson: not so good

-April: Why? (Walking to the office)

-Jackson:about what happen yesterday( they take sit)

-April: you have to forget that(getting mad)

-Jackson: Noooo, I will never forget that

-April: yes you will forget(she left the office)

-Jackson: what is happen to me, I hardly know and I feel something that's no possible(he left the office)

The girls where playing basketball and April too, the look of Jackson was concentrated in April he can't stop look at her, for him April was the most beautiful girl that he can look in his all world. The game finish a April and her cousins left.

When they were in the house Mark ast to April what happen in the office:

-Mark: April please come to the kitchen

-April: What happen?

-Mark: Tell me you what happen in that office?

-April: only I have a little fight with jackson but thats no important

-Mark: yes it is, you love him he loves you

-April: why you don't understand , I don 't want to fell in love

-Mark: I can' believe, I know that you are younger but love can come at any age

-April: I'm scared

-Mark: scared of what? To get hurt! Please. April grow up open you heart! Guys like him are hard to find. try please

-April: maybe I don't know

-Mark: please think about it

In the night April heard the conversarion of Jackson and Mark in the phone:

-Mark: she is very sad and mad and scared

-Jackson: Why scared?

-Mark: to get hurt

-Jackson: I'll never do that

-Mark:I know

-Jackson: I need you help

-Mark: And I'll help you

-Jackson: she is so beautiful, spite of being very young

-Mark: yes, I know

-Jackson: see you tomorrow

-Mark: yes, ok!

The conversation ends and April fall in her bed she was thinking to give an opportunity to him and risk to fall in love.

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