Chapter 6:The Perfect Night

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6 part

In the morning Izzie go to wake up April beacuse she receive a surprise.

-Izzie: wake up, wake April!

-April: what happen?

-Izzie: go to the main hall

-April: why?

-Izzie: please go

-April: ok, ok

April was going all disheveled to the main hall.

-April: was going on here

-Jackson: surprise(he was with a buquet of flowers and a teddy bear)

-April: ooh honey thats so sweet

-Jackson: I love you

-April: I love you more(hugs and kisses)

-Jackson: you want to go to a party with me

-April: really?

-Jackson: yes

-April: yes, obviously

-Jackson: ok I'll past at 7 pm out something sexy

-April: haha you're an idiot

-Jackson: but I'm your idiot, bye honey see you(kiss her)

-April: love you too my love

Hours pass , and Jackson step by April at 7 as had been. He knock the door.

-Jackson: Hi Alex

-Alex: Hello Jackson, pass please

-Jackson: Thanks

-Alex: April, Jackson is already here

-April: give me a minute

Aprilwas bringing a red dress, with black high heels, a black purse. Jackson glared when he saw her.

-Jackson: wauuu you look so beautiful(he take her hands)

-April: thanks, you look great

-Jackson: ok, we need lo leave we're late, bye guys

-Mark: bring her early

-April: Ey you're not my daddy

-Mark : Maybe no, bug I want that you be okay(kissing her forehead)

-April: I love you mark

-Mark I love you too honey, bye, take care of her

-Jackson: yes I know

-April: bye guys

They arrived to a place named The Club Arabe, the place was very nice, there was a big pool with lights and flowers.

-Jackson: I'll present to my best friend, Patrick come here

-Patrick: Hi, I think she is the famoud April

-Jackson: yes, Patrick she is my girlfriend April

-April: Hi nice to meet you

-Patrick: nice to meet you too, I heard a lot about

-April: Ooh really!? (Laughting)

-Patrick: you play basketball, he told me I help you when you fall and when

-Jackson: ey stop (laughting)

-April: ooh you really talk too much

-Jackson: haha emm no(getting nervous)

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